Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

Denudation Chronology and Erosional Surfaces

  1. Which surface belonging probably to Cretaceous period is found over Kaimur hills overlooking Son valley?

    1. Kaimur surface
    2. Panna surface
    3. Rewa surface
    4. Belan surface

    Option: A

  2. What interrupted the Oligocene-Miocene cycle and produced a Miocene surface in the form of Panna surface?

    1. Deposition of boulder mottled-clay
    2. Tertiary upheavals in the middle Miocene period
    3. Frost action
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  3. What is the elevation of the Rewa surface in the Belan basin?

    1. 150 m
    2. 240 m
    3. 300-350 m
    4. 800 ft

    Option: B

  4. What might be responsible for the evolution of the Rewa surface?

    1. Post-Pliocene upliftment
    2. Destruction of northern part of Rewa surface
    3. Recent period upheaval
    4. All of the above


  5. Which physiographic units constitute the Ranchi plateau?

    1. Western highlands or Pat region
    2. Central Ranchi plateau
    3. Southern dissected lower plateau
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  6. What is the average elevation of the Ranchi plateau in the central part?

    1. 305 m
    2. 685 m
    3. 1066 m
    4. 1200 m

    Option: B

  7. What are the main lithological elements of the Ranchi plateau?

    1. Sedimentary rocks
    2. Granites and greisses
    3. Basaltic lava
    4. Glacial deposits

    Option: B

  8. Which period registered the successive upliftments of the western Ranchi plateau?

    1. Early Tertiary
    2. Middle Tertiary
    3. Late Tertiary
    4. All of the above

    Option: A

  9. What interrupted the subaerial cycle of erosion in the Ranchi plateau?

    1. Daima lava flow
    2. Granite-gneissic formations
    3. Glaciation
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  10. What is the plateau dominated by since Tertiary upliftings?

    1. Hot and arid climate
    2. Hot and humid climate
    3. Cold and humid climate
    4. Cold and arid climate

    Option: B

  11. What are the present geomorphic features a result of?

    1. Only fluvial processes
    2. Only arid processes
    3. Interplay between Tertiary movements and subsequent fluvial and limited arid processes supplemented with physical and chemical weathering
    4. Only mass movement of rock wastes

    Option: C

  12. How many erosion surfaces were recognized by J. Dunn in the Western higher plateau?

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four

    Option: A

  13. How many erosion surfaces did R.P. Singh accept over the Rancho plateau?

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four

    Option: C

  14. According to S. Chatterjee, what caused the elevations in the east and the south?

    1. Erosion
    2. Deposition of lavas
    3. Differential erosion
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  15. Who coined the term “peneplain”?

    1. L. Bloom
    2. W.M. Davis
    3. W. Penck
    4. Powell

    Option: B

  16. What is a peneplain?

    1. A surface of regional extent, low local relief, and low absolute altitude produced by long-continued fluvial erosion
    2. The end product of the cycle of erosion
    3. A concave slope of a valley side
    4. An isolated residual hill projecting above the general surface of peneplains

    Option: A

  17. What is the characteristic feature of the penultimate stage of the normal cycle of erosion?

    1. Valley deepening
    2. Downwasting of reliefs by lateral erosion and weathering processes
    3. Upstanding and low-lying reliefs
    4. Narrow and steep river valleys

    Option: B

  18. What are the isolated residual hills on a peneplain called?

    1. Unakas
    2. Mosores
    3. Monandnocks
    4. Penultimates

    Option: C

  19. Which of the following is not an example of a peneplain?

    1. Ranchi plateau in India
    2. Schloley peneplain in the USA
    3. Harrisburg peneplain in the USA
    4. Sommerville peneplain in the USA

    Option: D

  20. What is a local peneplain?

    1. A planed landmass eroded down to base level of erosion
    2. A featureless plain of subdued reliefs within a larger landmass
    3. A peneplain that is still under the process of peneplanation
    4. A peneplain that has been uplifted due to endogenetic forces

    Option: B