Fri. Jan 10th, 2025

Denudation Chronology and Erosional Surfaces

  1. What are the basal rocks of the Belan basin?

    1. Sandstones
    2. Shales
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  2. What type of sediments overlies the basal rocks of the Belan basin?

    1. Quaternary sediments
    2. Vindhyan sediments
    3. Cuddapah sediments
    4. Aravalli sediments

    Option: A

  3. What did the research paper entitled “Geomorphic evolution and erosion surfaces of the Belan basin” focus on?

    1. The physiographic personality of the Belan basin
    2. The denudation chronology of the Belan basin
    3. The erosion surfaces of the Belan basin
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  4. What type of river has cut steep banks in the Belan basin?

    1. A meandering river
    2. A straight river
    3. A rectangular river
    4. A round river

    Option: C

  5. Which river is a tributary of the Belan river in the Belan-S eoti locality?

    1. The Son river
    2. The Adwa river
    3. The Ganga river
    4. The Rewa river

    Option: D

  6. What type of terrain is formed to the west of the Adwa valley in the Belan basin?

    1. Plateau-like hills
    2. Small rounded mounds
    3. High mesas and buttes
    4. Steep banks

    Option: C

  7. What is the denudation chronology of the Belan basin based on geological history?

    1. Sedimentation of the Belan Sea during the Cretaceous period
    2. Sedimentation of the Belan Sea during the Permian period
    3. Sedimentation of the Belan Sea during the Cambrian period
    4. Sedimentation of the Belan Sea during the Algonikan era

    Option: D

  8. What caused the northward shifting of the Son valley and the tilting of the northern block to the north in the Belan basin?

    1. Reverse faulting running in east-west direction
    2. Normal faulting running in east-west direction
    3. Uplift of the southern block
    4. Volcanic activity

    Option: A

  9. What is the significance of the continuous denudational processes during the Quaternary epoch?

    1. Formation of the Himalayas
    2. Formation of the Trans-Yamuna-Ganga surface at the lowest level
    3. Formation of the Grand Canyon
    4. Formation of the Great Barrier Reef

    Option: B

  10. How does the stratigraphy of Quaternary alluvial deposits help in reconstructing the chronology of climatic events?

    1. By providing information about the formation of the Himalayas
    2. By providing information about the formation of the Grand Canyon
    3. By providing information about the formation of the Great Barrier Reef
    4. By providing information about the complete chronology of climatic events

    Option: D

  11. What do the latent crusts over Upper Vindhyans suggest about the climate during the upper Pleistocene interglacial period?

    1. Humid warm tropical climate
    2. Arid hot tropical climate
    3. Cold glacial climate
    4. Humid cold climate

    Option: A

  12. What evidence supports the existence of the cold climatic phase during the latest Pleistocene glacial period?

    1. Records of face-tted, grooved, and straited gravels, cobbles, and boulders
    2. Formation of the Great Barrier Reef
    3. Formation of the Himalayas
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  13. How did the increase in relative humidity after the cold phase affect the transportation of large-sized boulders and pebbles?

    1. It accelerated the transportation
    2. It decelerated the transportation
    3. It had no effect on the transportation
    4. It stopped the transportation

    Option: A

  14. What was responsible for the intense dissection and removal of the gravel-mottled clay formation during the humid phase related to the post-glacial period?

    1. Pronounced and net erosion
    2. Prolonged phase of weathering
    3. Process of ‘rubification’
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  15. What was responsible for the formation of loessic mounds during the shorter period of arid phase?

    1. Runoff from monsoons
    2. Thick envelope of loessic deposits
    3. Solution and pitting of the upper horizon of the caliche formation
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  16. What is the present-day climate in the Belan basin?

    1. Relatively arid
    2. Relatively humid
    3. Hot and arid
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  17. Which period is characterized by relatively humid interglacial conditions?

    1. Late glacial
    2. Latest Cold glacial
    3. Upper Warm tropical
    4. Pleistocene humid interglacial

    Option: D

  18. Which geological period is the oldest on the list?

    1. Pleistocene
    2. Pliocene
    3. Miocene
    4. Eocene

    Option: D

  19. What process led to the formation of lateritic crusts over Vindhyan bed-rocks?

    1. Trenching and erosion
    2. Deposition of boulder mottled-clay
    3. Frost action
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  20. How many erosion surfaces have been identified in the Belan basin?

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four

    Option: D