Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Climatic Change

  1. What is variability in climate?

    1. static and unchanging feature
    2. A dynamic and unstable feature
    3. A feature that only occurs in certain regions
    4. A feature that only occurs during certain seasons

    Option: B

  2. What is climatic change?

    1. Variations and shifts in weather conditions over space and time
    2. A static and unchanging climate
    3. A feature that only occurs in certain regions
    4. A feature that only occurs during certain seasons

    Option: A

  3. What causes climatic change?

    1. External factors such as variations in orbital characteristics of the earth, solar variability, and tectonic processes
    2. Internal factors such as exchanges of energy between the atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and cryosphere
    3. Both external and internal factors at local, regional, and global levels
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  4. What is climochronology?

    1. The study of climate in the present time
    2. The study of past climate changes
    3. The study of future climate changes
    4. The study of climate in a specific region

    Option: B

  5. What is a climatic cycle?

    1. A static and unchanging climate pattern
    2. A dynamic and unstable climate pattern
    3. A cycle of changing weather conditions over time
    4. A cycle of changing weather conditions over space

    Option: C

  6. What caused the climatic change during the Jurassic period that led to the mass extinction of dinosaurs?

    1. Increase in greenhouse gases
    2. Ozone depletion
    3. Sudden collision of the earth and a giant meteor
    4. Deforestation

    Option: C

  7. The most significant global environmental problem faced by the world community is

    1. Increase in the emission of greenhouse gases
    2. Deforestation
    3. Ozone depletion
    4. Global environmental changes

    Option: D

  8. What are the probable adverse effects of future climatic changes on different spheres of man and nature?

    1. Increase in the emission of greenhouse gases
    2. Sea level changes and submersion of island nations and major coastal lowlands
    3. Ozone depletion and deforestation
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  9. How are spatial and temporal scales of climatic changes related?

    1. As the temporal scale of change becomes shorter, the area also becomes smaller.
    2. Local level changes are always overshadowed by changes at the global level.
    3. The variability is always periodi
    4. The climatic changes are always progressive.

    Option: A

  10. What are short-term climatic changes caused by?

    1. Natural factors
    2. Both natural and anthropogenic factors
    3. Anthropogenic factors only
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  11. The time span of short-term climatic changes is

    1. Millions of years
    2. Thousands to millions of years
    3. Few years to thousands of years
    4. Less than a year

    Option: C

  12. What are long-term climatic changes caused by?

    1. Anthropogenic factors
    2. Natural factors
    3. Both anthropogenic and natural factors
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  13. The evidences of climatic changes in the past is called

    1. Palaeontology
    2. Chronology
    3. Climatology
    4. Indicators

    Option: D

  14. The solution to the puzzle of reconstruction of palaeoclimates is based on

    1. Recorded data
    2. Real data
    3. Proxy data and logical deductions
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  15. How long have recorded data of weather and climate been available?

    1. Since the beginning of time
    2. For the last 100 years or so
    3. Since industrial revolution
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  16. The Huttonian theory of uniformitarianism is based on

    1. Same intensity of processes throughout geological time
    2. Different intensity of processes throughout geological time
    3. Different physical processes and laws that operate today compared to geological time
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  17. What are the biological indicators of palaeoclimates?

    1. Floral and faunal indicators
    2. Geological and pedogenic indicators
    3. Cryogenic and tectonic indicators
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  18. Which of the followings are the geological indicators of palaeoclimates?

    1. Terrigeneous ancient deposits, marine deposits, and pedogenic indicators
    2. Floral and faunal indicators
    3. Cryogenic and tectonic indicators
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  19. What are the cryogenic indicators of palaeoclimates?

    1. Glaciation and periglacial evidences
    2. Floral and faunal indicators
    3. Geological and tectonic indicators
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  20. Which of the following techniques can be used to analyze fossilized organic remains for understanding contemporary and past climates?

    1. Carbon dating
    2. Oxygen isotope analysis
    3. Pollen analysis
    4. All of the above

    Option: D