Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Channel Morphology

  1. What is the conclusion drawn by Leopold and Maddock (1953) regarding the downstream increase in velocity?

    1. There is a decrease in velocity downstream
    2. There is an increase in velocity downstream
    3. Velocity remains constant downstream
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  2. Sediment load of a river channel falls into how many categories?

    1. One
    2. Two
    3. Three
    4. Four

    Option: B

  3. Which sediment load is kept in suspension as wash load in the water of a river channel?

    1. Bed-material load
    2. Suspended sediment load
    3. Depositional sediment load
    4. Total sediment load

    Option: B

  4. The movement of which sediment load depends on shear on the bottom of the channel?

    1. Bed-material load
    2. Suspended sediment load
    3. Depositional sediment load
    4. Total sediment load

    Option: A

  5. According to Leopold and Maddock (1953), suspended sediment load increases more rapidly than what at a station?

    1. Width of the channel
    2. Depth of the channel
    3. Water discharge
    4. Velocity of the flow

    Option: C

  6. At a given velocity, discharge, and width, what is required to increase suspended sediment capacity?

    1. Narrower and shallower channel
    2. Deeper and narrower channel
    3. Wider and shallower channel
    4. Shallower and narrower channel

    Option: B

  7. The high bed load is characterized by which type of materials?

    1. Small-sized materials of low calibre
    2. Large-sized materials of low calibre
    3. Small-sized materials of high calibre
    4. Large-sized materials of high calibre

    Option: D

  8. Which type of channel is characterized by greater width-depth ratio?

    1. Channels that transport large quantity of bed-material load
    2. Channels that transport small quantity of bed-material load
    3. Channels that transport suspended sediment load
    4. Channels that transport depositional sediment load

    Option: A

  9. Sediment load influences which factor of the channel bed?

    1. Topography
    2. Geomorphology
    3. Slope
    4. Width

    Option: C

  10. What is the characteristic feature of a topographic low in a river channel?

    1. Wider channel bed
    2. Finer material
    3. Deeper channel depth
    4. Regular spacing of riffles and pools

    Option: B

  11. What is the spatial difference between riffles and pools in a river channel?

    1. Pools are wider and shallow, while riffles are narrow but relatively deep
    2. Pools are narrow and deep, while riffles are wider but relatively shallow
    3. Both pools and riffles are wide and shallow
    4. Both pools and riffles are narrow and deep

    Option: A

  12. Which factors govern the channel dimensions (forms) in a river channel?

    1. Channel patterns (straight and curve and discharge
    2. Channel patterns (wavy and zigzag) and velocity
    3. Channel materials and discharge
    4. Channel patterns (straight and curve and water temperature

    Option: A

  13. According to K.S. Richards, how does the width of the channel bed with riffles vary between curved and straight courses?

    1. The channel bed is wider in curved courses than in straight courses
    2. The channel bed is wider in straight courses than in curved courses
    3. The channel bed width is the same in both curved and straight courses
    4. The channel bed width with riffles is not affected by the channel course

    Option: A

  14. What is the effect of channel patterns (curved and straight) on the mean velocity in a river channel?

    1. Mean velocity is higher in curved channels than in straight channels at both riffles and pools
    2. Mean velocity is higher in straight channels than in curved channels at both riffles and pools
    3. Mean velocity is higher in curved channels at riffles but higher in straight channels at pools
    4. Mean velocity is not affected by the channel patterns

    Option: A

  15. How does the flow resistance variation between pools and riffles differ in curved and straight reaches?

    1. The variation of flow resistance between pools and riffles is less in curved reaches due to the high resistance of straight riffles
    2. The variation of flow resistance between pools and riffles is less in straight reaches due to the high resistance of curved riffles
    3. The variation of flow resistance between pools and riffles is the same in both curved and straight reaches
    4. The variation of flow resistance between pools and riffles is not affected by the channel patterns

    Option: A

  16. What kind of channel form variations do pool-riffle sequences introduce in a river channel?

    1. Channel width, channel depth, and velocity
    2. Channel width, channel slope, and discharge
    3. Channel width, channel depth, and sediment size
    4. Channel width, channel curvature, and water temperature

    Option: A

  17. How do pools and riffles occur in a river channel?

    1. In alternate sequence, e.g., pool-riffle-pool-riffle and so on
    2. In random sequence, e.g., riffle-pool-riffle-pool and so on
    3. Only pools occur at concave banks, and riffles occur at convex banks
    4. Only riffles occur at concave banks, and pools occur at convex banks

    Option: A

  18. According to Morisawa (1985), which discharge is considered to be the channel-forming flow?

    1. Low flow
    2. Bankfull discharge
    3. Extremely high floods
    4. All of the above

    Option: B

  19. What influences flow geometry at low discharges?

    1. Bed topography
    2. Channel-forming discharge
    3. Pool formation
    4. Riffle formation

    Option: A

  20. Which type of flow erodes the pools in a channel?

    1. Low velocity currents
    2. Bankfull discharge
    3. High velocity currents
    4. Extremely high floods

    Option: C