Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Channel Morphology

  1. What is the channel thalweg?

    1. The line connecting all the points of maximum depth of water from the source to the mouth of the river along the channel in downstream direction
    2. The distance of channel from source to the mouth of the river and connects all the mid-points across the channel
    3. The mean of measurements taken at the crossovers
    4. The cross-sectional distance of the wetted portion of the valley

    Option: A

  2. Which of the following criteria is used to divide river channels into effluent and influent channels?

    1. Type of geological materials on which the river is developed
    2. Volume of water and discharge in the river
    3. Whether the river loses water to the ground in addition to losing it by evaporation
    4. The shape of the channel thalweg

    Option: C

  3. What does the bankfull stage of a river denote?

    1. The maximum channel width
    2. The vertical distance from the water level in the channel to the channel bed
    3. The average of channel depths taken at different stages of the channel
    4. The maximum channel depth

    Option: A

  4. What is the wetted perimeter of a river?

    1. The line connecting all the points of maximum depth of water from the source to the mouth of the river along the channel in downstream direction
    2. The distance of channel from source to the mouth of the river and connects all the mid-points across the channel
    3. The mean of measurements taken at the crossovers
    4. The cross-sectional distance of the wetted portion of the valley

    Option: D

  5. Which of the following factors determines channel width in a river?

    1. The cross-sectional configuration of the valley
    2. The volume of water and discharge in the river
    3. The shape of the channel thalweg
    4. The degree of concavity of the long profile

    Option: A

  6. Which of the following is the formula for calculating discharge at a gauging station?

    1. w x d x v
    2. Q = w x v
    3. Q = d x v
    4. Q = w + d + v

    Option: A

  7. Which of the following is not a category of variables that determine channel morphology?

    1. Fluid dynamics
    2. Channel configuration
    3. Sediment load
    4. Atmospheric pressure

    Option: D

  8. What is the adjustment mechanism that can change a channel’s form, slope, or pattern?

    1. Deposition
    2. Scour
    3. Erosion
    4. Weathering

    Option: B

  9. According to L. Leopold and T. Maddock, what are the variations in channel forms as power function of discharge?

    1. w = aQ b, d = cQ f, v = kQ m
    2. w = aQ + b, d = cQ + f, v = kQ + m
    3. w = aQ – b, d = cQ – f, v = kQ – m
    4. w = aQ x b, d = cQ x f, v = kQ x m

    Option: A

  10. What is the relationship between discharge and channel width, depth, and velocity at a gauging station, according to Leopold and Maddock?

    1. They are directly proportional
    2. They are inversely proportional
    3. They are not related
    4. They are related in a nonlinear way

    Option: A

  11. What are the average exponent values of b, f, and m for 20 representative gauging stations in central and southwestern USA, according to Leopold and Maddock?

    1. b = 0.40, f = 0.26, m = 0.34
    2. b = 0.34, f = 0.26, m = 0.40
    3. b = 0.26, f = 0.40, m = 0.34
    4. b = 0.26, f = 0.34, m = 0.40

    Option: D

  12. What are the factors that affect the morphology of a channel?

    1. Depth and width of the channel
    2. Shape and Stream pattern of the channel
    3. Roughness and bed and bank materials
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  13. In a rectangular channel, what happens to the depth and width when there is an increase in discharge?

    1. Depth and width both increase
    2. Depth increases but width remains constant
    3. Width increases but depth remains constant
    4. Neither depth nor width increases

    Option: B

  14. In an asymmetric channel, what happens to the depth and width when there is an increase in discharge?

    1. Depth and width both increase rapidly
    2. Width increases rapidly but depth increases slowly
    3. Depth increases rapidly but width increases slowly
    4. Neither depth nor width increases

    Option: B

  15. How do riffles and bars affect the velocity of channel flow?

    1. They increase the velocity
    2. They decrease the velocity
    3. They have no effect on the velocity
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  16. How does the nature of sediment load on the channel bed affect velocity?

    1. Coarse sediment load increases velocity
    2. Fine sediment load increases velocity
    3. Cohesive bed materials result in a lower exponent b
    4. Non-cohesive bed materials result in a lower exponent b

    Option: C

  17. How are meandering and braided reaches distinguished from straight stretches?

    1. By the hydraulic geometry exponents
    2. By the velocity of the flow
    3. By the depth of the channel
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  18. What is the b/f ratio of a braided reach?

    1. Less than 1
    2. Equal to 1
    3. Greater than 1
    4. It depends on the velocity of the flow

    Option: C

  19. What are the values of f and m over pool-riffle sequences?

    1. Both f and m are high over riffles and low over pools
    2. Both f and m are low over riffles and high over pools
    3. f is lower and m is very high over pools
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  20. What happens to channel width, depth, and velocity as mean discharge of a river increases downstream?

    1. Only channel width increases
    2. Only channel depth increases
    3. Only velocity increases
    4. Channel width, depth, and velocity all increase

    Option: D