Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET June 2020

  1. Which of the following groups of landforms is produced by erosion?

    1. Playa, Pinnacles, Pot Holes
    2. Arate, Kame, Levees
    3. Dramlin, Fijord, Wave built Platform
    4. Drip stones, Sinkholes, U-Shaped Valley

    Option: A

  2. Which of the following earthquake waves are more destructive at the epicenter?

    1. S-Waves
    2. R-Waves
    3. P-Waves
    4. L-Waves

    Option: D

  3. Ria is an example of:

    1. Submerged upland shore
    2. Emerged upland shore
    3. Neutral Shore
    4. Compound Shore

    Option: A

  4. The rigid waves surrounding the Geo- synclines were called by Kober as:

    1. Kratogen
    2. Primarumph
    3. Orogen
    4. Endrump

    Option: A

  5. Sand dunes formed as long elongated ridges oriented at right angles to the wind direction are known as:

    1. Star dunes
    2. Barchans
    3. Transverse dunes
    4. Seifs

    Option: A

  6. Which one of the following types of landforms differs from the other on the basis of its mode of formation?

    1. Rapids
    2. Escarpments
    3. Questar
    4. Dripstones

    Option: D

  7. Which one of the following elevations up to that Kopper’s Af type of climate region extends from the mean sea level?

    1. 1000 m
    2. 1500 m
    3. 2000 m
    4. 2500 m

    Option: A

  8. Which one of the following percentages of solar radiation reflected back and scattered to space?

    1. 58%
    2. 12%
    3. 30%
    4. 20%

    Option: C

  9. Identify the correct Relative Humidity (%) of an air mass with saturation mixing ratio at 25°C is 20 grams and H.O vapor content is 5 grams:

    1. 15%
    2. 30%
    3. 25%
    4. 50%

    Option: C

  10. Which one of the following latitudes has ‘no surplus’ and ‘no deficit’ heat balance in Northern Hemisphere?

    1. 18°
    2. 23 1/2°
    3. 38°
    4. 66 1/2°

    Option: C

  11. Which one of the following surface areas covered by a solar beam of 1 m width at noon with vertical sunshine?

    1. 1 m width
    2. 4 m width
    3. 45 m width
    4. 90 m width

    Option: A

  12. Who is recognized as the founder of Scientific Marine Meteorology?

    1. L.C. King
    2. W.M. Davis
    3. M.F. Maury
    4. F.P. Shepard

    Option: B

  13. Which one of the following recycle periods is correct for oxygen?

    1. 100 years
    2. 2000 years
    3. 1000 years
    4. 500 years

    Option: B

  14. Which one of the following components does NOT match with the Darwinian theory of origin of species?

    1. Natural hazard
    2. Natural selection
    3. Adaptation
    4. Survival of the fittest

    Option: A

  15. Identify the person who defined pollution as:”The presence at large of substances, or energy patterns which have been involuntarily produced, have outlived their purpose, have escaped by accident, or have unforeseen effects, in quantities which harm his (man’s) health or do offened him.”

    1. Lord Kennett
    2. D.M. Dixon
    3. R.F. Dasmann
    4. A. Goudie

    Option: A

  16. Which one of the following processes is related to absorption of inorganic salts and water by plant roots?

    1. Oxidation
    2. Hydration
    3. Hydrolysis
    4. Osmosis

    Option: B

  17. The slope replacement was propounded by:

    1. A. Strahler
    2. A. Penck
    3. W.M. Davis
    4. H. Wood

    Option: B

  18. Household register in Japan was known by the name:

    1. Takeshi
    2. Yumitava
    3. Koseki
    4. Dketana

    Option: C

  19. Concept of “Primate City’ was given by Jefferson in:

    1. 1929
    2. 1938
    3. 1939
    4. 1940

    Option: C

  20. “Hyper markets” are shopping centers located:

    1. Near the CBD
    2. Near rail -road junction
    3. Out of town
    4. Near hospitals

    Option: C