UGC NET June 2020
Who among the following defined Geography as a Chorological Science?
Option: B
Which one of the following is the correct sequence of Contributors in the development of Greek Geography?
Option: C
Which of the following is not associated with Political Geography? Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
- I. Bowman.
- R. Johnston.
- F.Ratzel.
- H.J. Mackinder
Option: C
Which one of the following techniques is correct to show inequality of two given distributions.
Option: D
Digitizing or scanning are example of which GIS procedure:
Option: B
Histogram is associated with which one of the following data distribution?
Option: B
Which one of the following percentage of frequencies between the range of 0 to +1.00 (a) standard deviation.
Option: A
Two dimensional diagrams are also known as:
Option: D
In which of the following maps average slope and relative relief are shown simultaneously?
Option: A
Which one of the following curves is correct to show the commulative frequency distribution?A.B.C.D.
Option: B
Which one of the following rivers does not flow through Himachal Pradesh?
Option: C
The ‘Arabian Sea Branch’ and ‘Bay of Bengal’ Branch of Indian monsoon merge together over which of the following region?
Option: A
Which among the following is an example of a ‘nodal region’?:
Option: B
Match List-I with List-II. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
List-I(Theories) List-II(Proponents) (a) Thermal Contraction Theory (i) James Hutton (b) Theory of Geosyncline (ii) Jeffreys J. (b) Theory of Seafloor spreading (iii) Hall and Dana (d) Doctrine of Uniformitarianism (iv) Harry Hess Options:
Option: D
Match List-I with List-II. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
List-I(Deposits) List-II(Agents) (a) Moraines (i) Wind (b) Silt (ii) Glacier (b) Loess (iii) Underground Water (d) Drip stones (iv) River Options:
Option: A
Match List-I with List-II. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
List-I(Landforms) List-II(Agents of Denudations) (a) Monadnocks (i) Wind (b) Blind valley (ii) Glacier (b) Drumlin (iii) River (d) Dreikanters (iv) Groundwater Options:
Option: A
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: All moving objects, by virtue of their motion are capable of doing work.
Statement II: Potential energy is the energy.
In the light of the above Statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Option: C
Types of Clouds:
- Altostratus
- Stratocumulus
- Stratus
- Circus
Choose the correct answer from the options given below: (upward sequence)
Option: C
Match List-I with List-II. Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
List-I(Salts in sea water) List-II(Amount in sea water in %) (a) Sodium Chloride (i) 3.807% (b) Magnesium Chloride (ii) 27.213% (c) Magnesium Sulphate (iii) 1.260% (d) Calcium Sulphate (iv) 1.658% Options:
Option: A
Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Due to an increase of pressure near the ocean bottom, the density also increases from surface towards the depth.
Statement II: If light surface water is driven away by winds, dense sub-surface water upwells on the surface.
In the light of the above Statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
Option: A