Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

RPSC Year 2020 Paper I Assistant Professor

  1. A basic difference between Choroplethe and an Isoplethe maps is

    1. Isoplethe maps are prepared on basis of administrative boundaries whereas Choroplethe maps are prepared on basis of natural boundaries.
    2. Choroplethe_maps are prepared on basis of administrative boundaries whereas Isoplethe maps are prepared on basis of natural boundaries.
    3. Choroplethe_maps- are prepared only for cultural variables whereas the Isoplaethe only for natural variables.
    4. Choroplethe maps are prepared with different colours only whereas the Isoplethe are only black and white maps.

    Option: B

  2. For the following three types of maps, identify the correct descending order based on the scale starting from the largest map scale :

    1. Atlas map - Topographical map - Cadastral map
    2. Cadastral map -Topographical map - Atlas map
    3. Cadastral map - Atlas map - Topographical map
    4. Topographical map - Atlas map - Cadastral map

    Option: B

  3. Consider the following statements :

    A climograph is drawn with the help of the monthly data of

    A. Rainfall

    B. Relative Humidity

    C. Wet bulb Temperature

    1. A, B and C are correct.
    2. A and B are correct.
    3. B and C are correct.
    4. A and C are correct.

    Option: C

  4. Pole cannot be shown on which of the following projections ?

    1. Cylindrical equal area projection
    2. Mercator's projection
    3. Mollweide's projection
    4. Sinusoidal projection

    Option: A

  5. Sten de Geer’s method is used

    1. To show the urban population by circles and rural population by dots.
    2. To show the urban and rural population by multiple dots.
    3. To show the urban and rural population by same dots.
    4. To show urban population by spheres and rural population by dots.

    Option: D

  6. A device, used in Remote sensing Technique, that gathers electro magnetic radiations, converts it into a signal and presents it in a form utilizable for obtaining information about the objects under investigation, is known as

    1. Satellite
    2. Reflector
    3. Radar
    4. Sensor

    Option: D

  7. What does the word GIS stand for?

    1. Geographical Imaging System
    2. Geographical International System
    3. Global Information System
    4. None of these

    Option: D

  8. Which one from the following is NOT an important component of GIS?

    1. Procedure
    2. Data
    3. Population
    4. Software

    Option: C

  9. Which one of the following codes given for abbreviations correctly depicts landscape models ?A. DEMB. DRGC. DLGD. DTMCodes :

    1. A and B
    2. B and C
    3. A and D
    4. C and D

    Option: C

  10. Which of the following is a GIS operation ?

    1. Image displaying
    2. Contrast stretching
    3. Map overlaying
    4. Map designing

    Option: C

  11. widely used active remote sensing systems include:A. RADARB. LIDARC. SONAR

    1. A and B
    2. A, B and C
    3. A and C
    4. B and C

    Option: B

  12. The sensitivity of a remote sensing detector to differences in signal strength as it records the radiation flux reflected or emitted from the terrain is defined as

    1. Spectral Resolution
    2. Radiometric Resolution
    3. Spatial Resolution
    4. Temporal Resolution

    Option: B

  13. Which would be the number of grey values of an image if its radiometric resolution is ‘6. bits ?

    1. 1024
    2. 256
    3. 32
    4. 64

    Option: D

  14. Remote sensing of terrain characteristics mostly based on :

    1. on diffused reflectivity properties of terrestrial features
    2. on conductivity properties of terrestrial features
    3. on absorption properties of terrestrial features
    4. on the emissivity property of terrestrial features

    Option: D

  15. The wavelength of visible light is

    1. 4.3 to 7.5 micrometer
    2. 0.7 to 1.3 micrometer
    3. 0.4 to 0.7 micrometer
    4. 0.7 to 4.3 micrometer

    Option: C

  16. Which one of the following is NOT a GIS software ?

    1. ARC VIEW
    2. AUTO CAD
    3. ILWIS
    4. MapInfo

    Option: B

  17. GIS are designed to manipulate spatial objects, which one of the following is not a spatial object?

    1. An attribute data cell
    2. A Polygon
    3. A Point
    4. A Line

    Option: A

  18. Which of the following waves is used by remote sensing technology satelites?

    1. X-Rays
    2. Cosmic Rays
    3. Gamma Rays
    4. Thermal Infrared

    Option: D

  19. Which among the following is NOT a Raster File format ?

    1. ECW
    2. BMP
    3. TIFF
    4. SVG

    Option: D

  20. When atmospheric particles’ diameter is equal to the wavelength of radiation, it is known as

    1. Non-selective Scattering
    2. Mie Scattering
    3. Rayleigh Scattering
    4. None of these

    Option: B