Sat. Feb 22nd, 2025

RPSC Year 2020 Paper I Assistant Professor

  1. Which of the following is NOT a volcanic mountain ?

    1. Mt. Kilimanjaro
    2. Mt. Fujiyama
    3. Mt. Mayon
    4. Mt. Sierra Nevada

    Option: D

  2. The name of the waterfall, which is located on the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe is

    1. Tugela Falls
    2. Angel Falls
    3. Victoria Falls
    4. Wagenia Falls

    Option: C

  3. Which of the following is NOT an example of zonal soil ?

    1. Alluvial soil
    2. Prairy soil
    3. Laterite soil
    4. Chernozem

    Option: A

  4. The landmarks valley sinks” are associated with

    1. River
    2. Ground water
    3. Glacier
    4. Winds

    Option: B

  5. Cirque is also known as :

    1. neve
    2. Rimae
    3. CWM
    4. Arete

    Option: C

  6. In high latitudes, very deep glacial troughs filled with sea water and making up shorelines, are known as

    1. Terminal moraines
    2. Fjords
    3. Lateral moraines
    4. Outwash

    Option: B

  7. The Glacial control theory was propounded by.

    1. Haug
    2. Hall and Dana
    3. Daley
    4. Schuchert

    Option: C

  8. The discontinuity, lying between upper core and lower core of the earth, is known as

    1. Lehmann
    2. Guttenberg
    3. Mohorovicic
    4. Repetti

    Option: A

  9. Narrow fingerlike embankment of sand constructed by littoral drift and connected by main land, into the open water or bay is known as:

    1. Beaches
    2. Lagoon
    3. Tombolo
    4. Spit

    Option: D

  10. Find out the correct statement about Seif.

    1. Seif are Parabolic dunes.
    2. Seif has only one wing
    3. Seif and Barchans are same dunes.
    4. Seif are aligned perpendicular to wind direction.

    Option: B