Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

RPSC Year 2018 School Lecturer

  1. When the Sun, the Moon and the Earth are in the straight line, the tide will be

    1. Neap Tide
    2. Spring Tide
    3. Diurnal Tide
    4. Mixed Tide

    Option: B

  2. If other factors remain same, insolation received by Earth will be maximum on

    1. 3rd January
    2. 3rd May
    3. 4th August
    4. 4th July

    Option: A

  3. Which among the following is not a cold ocean current ?

    1. Benguela
    2. Peru
    3. Canari
    4. Agulhas

    Option: D

  4. Which of the following region is the most ‘energy deficit region in terms of latitudinal heat balance ?

    1. Between 30° to 70° latitudes in both the hemisphere.
    2. Between 70° N to 90° N latitude only.
    3. Between 80° S to 90° S latitude only.
    4. Between 80° to 90° latitudes in both the hemisphere.

    Option: C

  5. Which among the following landforms is not developed by wind ?

    1. Zeugen
    2. Inselberg
    3. Arete
    4. Yardang

    Option: C

  6. Chagos archipelago is located in

    1. South Pacific Ocean
    2. North Pacific Ocean
    3. Indian Ocean
    4. China Sea

    Option: C

  7. Which among the following is not correctly matched ?

    1. River - Natural Levees
    2. Wind - Tombolo
    3. Glacier - Cirque
    4. Wind - Seif

    Option: B

  8. The South Sandwich trench is located

    1. North Pacific Ocean
    2. South Pacific Ocean
    3. Indian Ocean
    4. Atlantic Ocean

    Option: D

  9. Which among the following sea/lakes has highest salinity ?

    1. Red Sea
    2. Dead Sea
    3. Great Salt Lake
    4. Lake Van

    Option: D

  10. Which one of the following coal field is located in Mahanadi valley ?

    1. Talcher
    2. Jharia
    3. Raniganj
    4. Bokaro

    Option: A

  11. Malanjkhand is known for

    1. Copper mining
    2. Iron ore mining
    3. Gold mining
    4. Mica mining

    Option: A

  12. The tide producing force of moon is approximately greater than that of sun

    1. 2.89 times
    2. 3.18 times
    3. 1.65 times
    4. 2.17 times

    Option: D

  13. Which of the following is/are cold current/s?

    1. Peru Current
    2. El Nino
    3. California Current
    4. Norwegian Current
    1. A and Care correct.
    2. A, B and C are correct.
    3. A, B, C and D are correct.
    4. A.Cand Dare correct.

    Option: A

  14. “Kodrama’ mica producing centre is situated in

    1. Rajasthan
    2. Odisha
    3. Jharkhand
    4. Andhra Pradesh

    Option: C

  15. In human geography, Principle of Activity’ was proposed

    1. C.O. Saur
    2. Barrows
    3. J. Brunches
    4. Humboldt

    Option: C

  16. Which of the following ocean currents change their direction from season to season ?

    1. North and South Equatorial currents of Atlantic Ocean
    2. North Equatorial Currents of Indian Ocean
    3. South Equatorial Currents of South Atlantic Ocean
    4. North Atlantic Drift

    Option: B

  17. International Projection is

    1. Modified Mercator's Projection
    2. Modified Polyconic Projection
    3. Gall's Stereographic Projection
    4. Modified Gnomonic Polar Zenithal Projection

    Option: B

  18. Which among the following mountain range is believed to acquired its present form roughly at the same time as that of Arawali ?

    1. Naga Hills
    2. Kunlun mountain
    3. Nallamalai range
    4. Shivalik

    Option: C

  19. Bonne’s projection is

    1. Conical
    2. Cylindrical
    3. Zenithal
    4. Conventional

    Option: A

  20. The mean position of Westerly Jet Stream in winter lies

    1. along Karnataka Plateau
    2. just North of Tropic of Cancer
    3. along the foothills of Vindhyan Mountain
    4. along the Southern Slope of Himalaya

    Option: D