Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

RPSC Year 2018 School Lecturer

  1. Deviations in standard deviation is calculated from

    1. Median
    2. Mode
    3. Arithmetic Means
    4. Correlation

    Option: C

  2. As per ‘State of Forest Report 2017’ which state of India has the highest percentage of forest cover ?

    1. Arunachal Pradesh
    2. Mizoram
    3. Tripura
    4. Manipur

    Option: B

  3. Which of the following Indian soil get deep cracks in summer which allows sufficient oxygenation in soil ?

    1. Black soil
    2. Alluvial soil
    3. Desert soil
    4. Organic soil

    Option: A

  4. Which among the following is not correctly matched ?

    1. Jhoom - India
    2. Milpa - Rhodesia
    3. Ladang - Malaysiasm
    4. Chena - Thailand

    Option: D

  5. The decadal population growth rate of India as per Census of India 2011 (final data) is

    1. 18.70%
    2. 21.20%
    3. 17.70%
    4. 20.60%

    Option: C

  6. Which of the following river basin is/are not notorious for flood hazard ?

    1. Penganga
    2. Indus
    3. Kosi
    4. Kaverit
    1. A, C and D
    2. C and B
    3. A, B and C
    4. A, B and D

    Option: D

  7. Which among the following is characteristic of intensive subsistence agriculture?

    1. Large size of farms
    2. Highly mechanized
    3. High yield per acre but low per capita yield
    4. Low yield per acre but high per capita yield

    Option: C

  8. Orient Express’ railway line connects

    1. Paris - Istanbul
    2. Perth - Sydney
    3. Halifax - Vancouver
    4. Tokyo - Osaka

    Option: A

  9. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:

    List – I List – II
    A. Limonite 1. Silver
    B. Stephanite 2. Mica
    C. Muscovite 3. Iron ore
    D. Lignite 4. Coall
    1. 3 2 1 4
    2. 3 1 2 4
    3. 2 3 1 4
    4. 1 2 3 4

    Option: B

  10. Which among the following is the busiest navigable river of the world ?

    1. Amazon
    2. Danube
    3. Mississippi
    4. Rhine

    Option: D

  11. Which among the following shows the first stage of Demographic Transition Theory?

    1. High birth and high death rate
    2. High birth and low death rate
    3. Low birth and high death rate
    4. Low birth and low death rate

    Option: A

  12. Which of the following steel plants are managed by SAIL?

    1. Bhilai
    2. Durgapur
    3. Rourkela
    4. Burnpur
    1. A, B and C only
    2. A, B, C and D
    3. B, C and D only
    4. B and C only

    Option: B

  13. Which among the following is not densely populated region of the world?

    1. East Asia
    2. South Asia
    3. Western Europe
    4. Northern Europe

    Option: D

  14. Who said Human Geography is human ecology”?

    1. Hartshorne
    2. H.H. Barrows
    3. Ratzel
    4. W. Kirk

    Option: B

  15. Development that enlarges people’s choices and improves their lives is termed as

    1. Sustainable development
    2. Human development
    3. Regional development
    4. Social development

    Option: B

  16. Which among the following regions has highest percentage of ageing population (above 60 years age) to their total population in year 2014 ?

    1. North America
    2. Australia
    3. Europe
    4. Oceania

    Option: C

  17. Brundtland report is related to

    1. Economic development
    2. Sustainable development
    3. Human development
    4. Land slide control

    Option: B

  18. R.F. 1 : 20,000 is equal to

    1. 1 cm = 20 metre
    2. 1 cm = 20 hectometre
    3. 1 cm -= 2 hectometres
    4. 1 cm = 2 decametrespe

    Option: C

  19. In which of the following projection,equator cannot be drawn ?

    1. Stereographic Polar Zenithal Projection
    2. Polar Zenithal Equal Area Projection
    3. Polar Zenithal Equidistance Projection
    4. Gnomonic Polar Zenithal Projection

    Option: D

  20. Which of the following projection is orthomorphic ?

    1. Gall's Projection
    2. Mercator Projection
    3. Simple Cylindrical
    4. Polyconic Projection

    Option: B