Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Morphometry of Drainage Basins

  1. What is morphometry?

    1. The study of plant morphology
    2. The study of animal morphology
    3. The measurement and mathematical analysis of the shape and dimensions of landforms and the Earth’s surface
    4. The study of the behavior of rivers

    Option: C

  2. Who defined morphometry as the measurement and mathematical analysis of the configuration of the Earth’s surface and the shape and dimensions of its landforms?

    1. N. Strahler
    2. J.I. Clarke
    3. Savindra Singh
    4. R.E. Horton

    Option: B

  3. What are the two branches of morphometry?

    1. Linear and areal
    2. Relief and fluvial
    3. Geometrical and topological
    4. Absolute and relative

    Option: B

  4. Which aspect of fluvial morphometry deals with the hierarchical orders of streams and various relationships among them?

    1. Linear aspect
    2. Areal aspect
    3. Relief aspect
    4. Drainage texture aspect

    Option: A

  5. When did the application of statistical methods for analyzing drainage basin characteristics start?

    1. Before the 20th century
    2. During the early 20th century
    3. After the publication of R.E. Horton’s research paper in 1945
    4. After the development of modern computing techniques

    Option: C

  6. What are the three stages in the history of the application of morphometric methods?

    1. The early phase, the development phase, and the modern phase
    2. The pre-statistical phase, the statistical phase, and the modern phase
    3. The theoretical phase, the experimental phase, and the applied phase
    4. The observational phase, the computational phase, and the experimental phase

    Option: B

  7. What is the main focus of large-scale topographic maps in the 20th century?

    1. Drainage basin characteristics
    2. Geological data analysis
    3. Relief features such as erosion surfaces, slopes, and valleys
    4. Simplified techniques for studying specific relief features

    Option: C

  8. Who introduced simplified techniques for the analysis of geological data in the 1930s?

    1. R.E. Horton
    2. P.S. Javanovic
    3. P. Peguy
    4. De Martonee

    Option: A

  9. What is the Morphometric system of R.E. Horton concerned with?

    1. The intensive study of small morphological units, particularly drainage basins
    2. The application of advanced statistical and mathematical methods to analyze drainage basin characteristics
    3. The analysis of specific relief features such as erosion surfaces, slopes, and valleys
    4. The study of large-scale topographic maps for geological data analysis

    Option: A

  10. What techniques have enriched morphometric techniques in recent times?

    1. Advanced statistical and mathematical methods
    2. Large-scale topographic maps
    3. Aerial photographs and satellite imagery
    4. Simplified techniques for studying specific relief features

    Option: C

  11. Who made significant contributions to different aspects of relief and basin morphometry?

    1. Only R.E. Horton and De Martonee
    2. Only N. Strahler and R.E. Horton
    3. Several scientists from time to time
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  12. According to Savindra Singh in 1977, what may lead to sterility and triviality in productivity of the subject?

    1. Quantitative and statistical methods
    2. Original thought about problems
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  13. According to M. King in 1966, what do quantitative and statistical methods offer?

    1. A substitute for original thought about problems
    2. A valuable method of guiding thought and reasoning into profitable channels and assessing its validity
    3. A way to make the results of research more confusing
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  14. What does Savindra Singh say about morphometry in 1976?

    1. It is a very sensitive and delicate tool
    2. It is overcrowded with unnecessary and excessive mathematical formulas and equations
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  15. What is the main task before geomorphologists?

    1. To use an ideal unit of the earth surface for the study of its land forms
    2. To study the geometry of landforms, particularly those of erosion origin
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  16. What is the ideal areal unit chosen by geomorphologists for the purpose of collecting, processing, organizing, and interpreting data of the geometry of landforms?

    1. Physiographic regions
    2. Drainage basins
    3. Physiographic atoms
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  17. What is the key feature of a drainage basin that led to its selection as a geomorphic unit?

    1. Its topographic, hydraulic, and hydrological unity
    2. Its size and shape
    3. Its geological age
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  18. Who emphasized the quantitative analysis of drainage basin characteristics and erosional landforms in his morphometric system of 1945?

    1. N.M. Fenneman
    2. R.L. Shreve
    3. Horton
    4. R.J. Chorley

    Option: C

  19. According to Lee in 1964, what is the drainage basin considered to be?

    1. A closed system
    2. A complex system
    3. An open system
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  20. Who accepted the drainage basin as a fundamental geomorphic unit for the morphometric study of drainage basin characteristics in 1969?

    1. N.M. Fenneman
    2. R.L. Shreve
    3. Horton
    4. R.J. Chorley

    Option: D