Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Insolation and Heat Balance

  1. Some portion of solar energy is lost when it passes through Earth’s atmosphere. which of following process/processes are responsible for this?

    1. Reflection
    2. Diffusion
    3. Absorption
    4. Scattering
    1. 1, 2, and 3
    2. 2, 3 and 4
    3. 3 and 4
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  2. If the intensity of solar radiation at a given distance X is one unit, at a distance of 2 X the intensity will be

    1. One fourth that X
    2. One third that X
    3. Half fifth that X
    4. One sixth that X

    Option: D

  3. The portion of incident solar radiation (energy) reflected back from a surface of a body is called

    1. Albedo
    2. Reflection coefficient
    3. Reflectivity
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  4. The albedo or reflectivity depends on

    1. Angle of the sun with the earth's surface
    2. The nature of the surface of the receiving body
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  5. Match following lists and give the correct answer from given the codes:

    List-I(Planet) List -II(Albedo)
    (a) Mercury i. 6%
    (b) Mars ii. 16%
    (c) Venus iii. 76%
    (d) Earth iv. 34%
    1. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
    2. (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
    3. (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
    4. (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

    Option: A

  6. The albedo of the moon is

    1. 6%
    2. 7%
    3. 40%
    4. 30%

    Option: B

  7. Which one of the following surfaces has maximum albedo

    1. Fresh snow
    2. Old snow
    3. Cumulonimbus cloud
    4. Coniferous forest

    Option: A

  8. Which one of the following type of surfaces has minimum albedo

    1. Forest cover
    2. Cloud cover
    3. Snow Cover
    4. The Earth

    Option: A

  9. When incoming solar radiation waves is scattered by such dust particles andwater vapour that have the diameter larger than the wavelengths of incoming solar radiation, then this process is called

    1. Scattering
    2. Diffusion
    3. Refraction
    4. Reflection

    Option: B

  10. Which of the following process/processes in the lower atmosphere enables us to see the dark portion of the moon

    1. Scattering
    2. Diffusion
    3. Both a and b
    4. Only a

    Option: C

  11. The process of retaining of some portion of incoming solar radiation by a substance and converting it into heat energy is called

    1. Scattering
    2. Diffusion
    3. Absorption
    4. Refraction

    Option: C

  12. Water vapour is transparent for

    1. Incoming shortwave solar radiation
    2. Infrared radiation waves
    3. Longwave terrestrial radiation
    4. Both b and c

    Option: A

  13. Water vapour is a potent absorber of

    1. Incoming shortwave solar radiation
    2. Infrared radiation waves
    3. Longwave terrestrial radiation
    4. Both b and c

    Option: D

  14. Which of the following act as an atmospheric window for the spectrum of visible lights

    1. Nitrogen
    2. Ozone
    3. Water vapour
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  15. The diffusion of a portion of incoming solar radiation in different directions by dust particles and gases in the atmosphere is called

    1. Scattering
    2. Diffusion
    3. Absorption
    4. Refraction

    Option: A

  16. Which of the following processes is non-selective in nature

    1. Absorption
    2. Scattering
    3. Diffusion
    4. Both b and a

    Option: C

  17. The law of scattering states that

    1. The amount of scatter is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelengths
    2. The amount of scatter is directly proportional to the fourth power of the wavelengths
    3. The amount of scatter is directly proportional to the square of the wavelengths
    4. There is no relationship between these two

    Option: A

  18. If the wavelength of a radiation wave is 0.4 micrometer and that of the other radiation wave is 0.8 micrometer, then the amount of scattered energy by the longer wavelength would be

    1. Sixteen time of the shorter wavelength
    2. One sixteenth of the shorter wavelength
    3. One fourth of the shorter wavelength
    4. Two time of the shorter wavelength

    Option: B

  19. Which one of the following rays will be scatter first while entering the earth’s atmosphere

    1. Blue rays
    2. Green rays
    3. Violet rays
    4. Red rays

    Option: C

  20. Which one of the following rays will be scatter last while entering the earth’s atmosphere

    1. Blue rays
    2. Green rays
    3. Red rays
    4. Violet rays

    Option: C