Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Insolation and Heat Balance

  1. Match following lists and give the correct answer from given the codes:

    List-I(Waves) List -II(Wavelength in Angstrom)
    (a) Violet rays i. 0.43 – 0.49
    (b) Blue rays 0.4 – 0.43
    (c) Green rays iii. 0.58 – 0.70
    (d) Red rays iv. 0.49 – 0.53
    1. (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)
    2. (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
    3. (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
    4. (ii) (i) (iv) (iii)

    Option: D

  2. Wavelength of the microwaves is ranging between

    1. 0.05 cm and 1.0 cm
    2. 0.03 cm and 1.0 cm
    3. 0.7 micron to 300 microns
    4. 1.0 cm to 100 cm

    Option: C

  3. Wavelength of the infrared waves is ranging from

    1. 0.05 cm and 1.0 cm
    2. 0.03 cm and 1.0 cm
    3. 0.7 micron to 300 microns
    4. 1.0 cm to 100 cm

    Option: B

  4. Which of the following waves are used to send messages from one place to other distant places

    1. Long waves
    2. Infrared waves
    3. Microwaves
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  5. The wavelengths of radar waves vary from

    1. 0.05 cm and 1.0 cm
    2. 0.03 cm and 1.0 cm
    3. 0.7 micron to 300 microns
    4. 1.0 cm to 100 cm

    Option: D

  6. Which one of the following statements is not true:

    1. Maximum insolation reaches the outer limit of the atmosphere at north pole at the time of summer solstice
    2. Maximum insolation is received at the ground surface between latitudes 30°n-40°n on 21st June
    3. Total amount of insolation received at the earth's surface decreases from equator towards the poles
    4. Total amount of insolation received at the earth's surface increases from equator towards the poles

    Option: D

  7. The poles receive about of the amount received at the equator.

    1. 30 percent
    2. 50 percent
    3. 40 per cent
    4. 35 percent

    Option: C

  8. Which of following factor/factors affects the amount of insolation received at the earth’s surface

    1. The atmosphere
    2. Angle of the sun’s rays
    3. Length of days
    4. Sunspots
    5. Distance between the sun and the earth
    1. 1, 2, 4 and 5
    2. 2, 3 and 4
    3. 1, 2, 3 and 5
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  9. Which one of the following statements is not true:

    1. Vertical sun rays are spread over minimum area of the earth's surface thus the energy received per unit area increases
    2. Oblique sun rays are spread over larger area of the earth's surface and hence the amount of energy received per unit area decreases
    3. The oblique rays lose more energy than the vertical rays while passing through the atmosphere
    4. The vertical rays lose more energy than the oblique rays while passing through the atmosphere

    Option: C

  10. The earth revolves around the sun in elliptical orbit

    1. Circular orbit
    2. Elliptical orbit
    3. Elongated orbit
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  11. The earth is nearest to the sun on

    1. Jan-03
    2. Sep-23
    3. Jul-04
    4. Mar-21

    Option: A

  12. The earth is farthest to the sun on

    1. Jan-03
    2. Sep-23
    3. Jul-04
    4. Mar-21

    Option: C

  13. Which one of the following statements is not true:

    1. Winters are 7 per cent less severe in January in the northern hemisphere
    2. Summer is 7 per cent more intense in the southern hemisphere at the time of perihelion
    3. Summer is 7 per cent less intense in July in the northern hemisphere
    4. Winter is 7 percent less intense in the southern hemisphere at the time of aphelion

    Option: D

  14. Which one of the following situations represents Aphelion

    1. The earth is nearest to the sun
    2. The earth is farthest to the sun
    3. The earth is at average distance from the sun
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  15. Which one of the following situations represents perihelion

    1. The earth is nearest to the sun
    2. The earth is farthest to the sun
    3. The earth is at average distance from the sun
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  16. Sunspots have __________ less temperature than the chromosphere.

    1. 1500°C
    2. 500°C
    3. 800°C
    4. 1200°C

    Option: A

  17. A black center of Sunspots is called

    1. Penumbra
    2. Corona
    3. Umbra
    4. Granule

    Option: C

  18. A lighter region surrounding Sunspots is called

    1. Penumbra
    2. Corona
    3. Umbra
    4. Granule

    Option: C

  19. Who identify the sunspots first

    1. W.R. Rouse
    2. Galileo
    3. Oliver
    4. Hidore

    Option: C

  20. Which one of the following about sunspots is not correct

    1. Number of sunspots is cyclic in nature
    2. The increase and decrease of number of sunspots is completed in a cycle of 11 years
    3. The energy radiated from the sun increases when the number of sunspots increases
    4. The energy radiated from the sun decreases when the number of sunspots increases

    Option: D