Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

HTET Year 2016

  1. River Alakhnanda joins river Bhagirathi at

    1. VishnuPrayag
    2. DevPrayag
    3. KarnPrayag
    4. BadrinathPrayag

    Option: B

  2. Which type of winds run almost parallel to isobars?

    1. Monsoonal winds
    2. Geostrophicwinds
    3. Localwinds
    4. Planetarywinds

    Option: B

  3. In the Indian Census History, in which decade the population growth rate was recorded negative?

    1. 1891-1901
    2. 1901-1911
    3. 1911-1921
    4. 1921-1931

    Option: C

  4. Which among the following is the world’s largest in land water body?

    1. LakeVictoria
    2. CaspianSea
    3. LakeSuperior
    4. AralSea

    Option: B

  5. The last and most recent Ice-age on the earth is associated with which geological period?

    1. Holocene
    2. Pleistocene
    3. Pliocene
    4. Miocene

    Option: B

  6. Maximum Earthquakes and Volcanoes are found along

    1. ConstructivePlateMargin
    2. ConservativePlateMargin
    3. DestructivePlateMargin
    4. Alloptionsarewrong

    Option: C

  7. Which State produces more than half of the total soyabean production of India?

    1. UttarPradesh
    2. AndhraPradesh
    3. MadhyaPradesh
    4. Rajasthan

    Option: C

  8. According to religion Christians have largest population in the world and followed by

    1. Hindu
    2. Muslim
    3. Buddhist
    4. Jews

    Option: B

  9. Which tribe does barter trade with Pygmies?

    1. Bushman
    2. Bantu
    3. Masai
    4. San

    Option: B

  10. The hazardous effects of earthquakes are

    1. LossofLifeandProperty,Occurrence ofFlashFloods, Fires, OriginofTsunamis
    2. Loss ofLifeandProperty,HeavyRainfall, Fires, Origin ofTsunamis
    3. OccurrenceofFlashFloods,SevereDrought,Fires,OriginofTsunamis
    4. Lossof·LifeandProperty,OccurrenceofFlashFloods,Origin ofCyclones,OriginofTsunamis

    Option: A

  11. According to Plate Tectonic Theory which force/forces is/are responsible for plate movements?

    1. ThermalConvectiveCurrents
    2. Gravity GradientbetweenTrenchandRidges
    3. PushexertedbythecrustatConstructiveMargins
    4. Alloptionsareright

    Option: D

  12. pH value of water of acid-rain is ranging between

    1. 0to7
    2. 7to14
    3. 0to5.6
    4. 0to14

    Option: C

  13. Which one among the followings not intrusive feature?

    1. Sill
    2. Laccolith
    3. Lavaplug
    4. Batholith

    Option: C

  14. Which of the following planet is having largest number of satellites?

    1. Saturn
    2. Mars
    3. Uranus
    4. Neptune

    Option: A

  15. During colonial era which canal was popularly known as’lifeline of Britain’?

    1. PanamaCanal
    2. KielCanal
    3. LudwigCanal
    4. SuezCanal

    Option: D

  16. Which planet rotates on it’s axis opposite to other planets?

    1. Mercury
    2. Venus
    3. Neptune
    4. Jupiter

    Option: B

  17. Solar constant ismeasured at

    1. Earthsurface
    2. MeanSeaLevel
    3. 480kmaboveatmosphere
    4. 840 kmaboveatmosphere

    Option: C

  18. Iron and Steel Capital of the world is

    1. Pittsburgh
    2. Detroit
    3. Duluth
    4. Philadelphia

    Option: A

  19. Which is the largest tea producing country of Africa?

    1. Kenya
    2. Nigeria
    3. Egypt
    4. Tanzania

    Option: A

  20. 103° to 143° is a shadow zone for which seismic waves?

    1. PrimaryWaves
    2. SecondaryWaves
    3. PrimaryandSecondaryWaves
    4. Alloptionsare wrong

    Option: C