Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

HTET Year 2016

  1. Match the following:

    List-I List-II
    (a) Kober (i) Thermal Contraction Theory
    (b)Holmes (ii)Geosynclinal Orogen Theory
    (c)Jeffreys (iii)Thermal Convection
    (d)Daily (iv)Continental Sliding Theory
    1. (a) (b) (c) (d)
    2. (d) (c) (b) (a)
    3. (b) (a) (d) (c)
    4. (c) (a) (b) (d)

    Option: D

  2. Which of the following hill is spread only in one State of India?

    1. Satpura
    2. Ajanta
    3. Aravalli
    4. Alloptionsare wrong

    Option: B

  3. Volcanic cone which is formed with volcanic ash and tephra, is called

    1. BasicLavacone
    2. AcidLavacone
    3. Cindercone
    4. Alloptionsare wrong

    Option: C

  4. The largest river of the world in terms of volume of water is

    1. NileRiver
    2. AmazonRiver
    3. YangtzeKiangRiver
    4. IndusRiver

    Option: B

  5. Plunge Pools are formed by

    1. Riveraction
    2. Windaction
    3. Glacialaction
    4. Sea-waveaction

    Option: A

  6. Match the following:

    Epoch Geological Period
    (A) Primary (i) Cretaceous
    (B) Secondary (ii) Carboniferous
    (C) Tertiary (iii) Pleistocene
    (D) Quaternary (iv) Pliocene
    1. (A) (B) (C) (D)
    2. (D) (C) (B) (A)
    3. (B) (A) (D) (C)
    4. (C) (A) (B) (D)

    Option: C

  7. According to the Human Developed Index (Year 2102) ranking, India is falling in which category of human development?

    1. Very highhumandevelopment
    2. Highhumandevelopment
    3. Mediumhumandevelopment
    4. Lowhumandevelopment

    Option: C

  8. How many Bio-diversity Hot-spots are found on the world map?

    1. 14
    2. 18
    3. 20
    4. 24

    Option: B

  9. The age of our planet Earth is

    1. Morethan3600millionyears
    2. 2600millionyears
    3. 1600millionyears
    4. 600millionyears

    Option: A

  10. The Green House Gases are

    1. CO2,CFC,Water-vapour, Methane,Argon
    2. CO2,CFC,NO2,Methane,Neon
    3. CO2,CFC,Water-vapour, Methane,Neon
    4. CO2,CFC,Water-vapour,Methane,NO2

    Option: D

  11. Which one of the following is not considered as responsible factor for origin of oceanic currents?

    1. Planetarywinds
    2. Temperature and salinityofOceanicwater
    3. Jetstream
    4. Rotationofearth

    Option: C

  12. Which country produces rice in the world?

    1. India
    2. Indonesia
    3. Bangladesh
    4. China

    Option: D

  13. The Demographic Transition Modalis based on

    1. HumanMobility
    2. Migration
    3. NaturalGrowthofPopulation
    4. Alloptionsarewrong

    Option: C

  14. Love and Rayleigh waves are

    1. PrimaryWaves
    2. SecondaryWaves
    3. SurfaceWaves
    4. All optionsarewrong

    Option: C

  15. Which country has the maximum population of immigrants?

    1. UnitedStates ofAmerica
    2. SaudiArabia
    3. France
    4. SouthAfrica

    Option: A

  16. Which paradigm focuses on the consciousness and value of individual?

    1. Behaviourism
    2. EnvironmentalDeterminism
    3. Humanism
    4. Positivism

    Option: C

  17. Anatolian Plateau is situated between___________mountains.

    1. CarpathiansandDinaricAlps
    2. PonticandTaurus
    3. PyreneesandAtlas
    4. ElburzandZagros

    Option: B

  18. High-grade iron ore deposits in India are mainly found at

    1. Bailadila(Chhattisgarh)
    2. NoamundiandGua(Jharkhand)
    3. Gorumahisani(Orissa)
    4. Alloptionsarewrong

    Option: A

  19. The gravitational force of the sun on the earth is

    1. Equaltothegravitationalforceofmoon
    2. Almost double to the gravitationalforceofmoon
    3. Abouthalfofthegravitationalforceofmoon
    4. Threetimesgreaterthanthegravitationalforceofmoon

    Option: C

  20. Where is the Valley often thousand smokes?

    1. California,USA
    2. NewYork,USA
    3. Arkansas,USA
    4. Alaska,USA

    Option: D