The currents that move from the coast and beach towards the sea are called
Breaker waves
Surf currents
Longshore currents
Undertow currents
Option: D
The transportation of materials by sea waves from coastland towards the sea and from the sea towards the coast is known as
Longshore drift
Equilibrium profile
Option: A
What is the profile of equilibrium achieved when there is equilibrium between incoming supplies of sediments and removal of sediments on the wave-cut platforms?
Backwash profile
Uprushing profile
Equilibrium profile
Longshore profile
Option: C
What happens when the wave-cut rock platform is characterized by a steep slope towards the oceanic slope?
Destructive waves become less active
Destructive waves become very active
The platform sinks below sea-level
Coves and mini-bays are formed
Option: B
What is a wave-cut platform?
A platform formed by constructive waves
A platform formed by erosive waves
A platform formed by deposition
A platform formed by tides
Option: B
What is a profile of equilibrium?
A stable platform formed by constructive waves
A stable platform formed by erosive waves
A profile that achieves balance between sediment supply and removal
A profile that achieves balance between high and low tide waters
Option: C
Which of the followings are some examples of depositional landforms developed by sea waves?
Sea cliffs, tidal inlets, and wave-cut platforms
Beaches, bars and barriers, and offshore and longshore bars
Estuaries, lagoons, and deltas
Coral reefs, atolls, and guyots
Option: B
How are beaches formed?
By deposition of sediments by tides
By erosion of headlands and cliffs
By deposition of sediments by rivers and nallas
By deposition of sediments by breaker waves between high and low tide waters
Option: D
What are the two main elements of an ideal beach?
Upper beach and lower beach
Beach cusps and small channels
Beach ridges and berm
Pebbles and cobbles
Option: A
What is the major source of supply of beach materials?
Erosion of pre-existing beaches
Erosion of headlands and cliffs
Scouring of the offshore zone by storm waves
Sediments brought by the rivers and nallas at their mouths
Option: B
What is the slope range of the upper beach?
10° to 20°
20° to 30°
30° to 40°
Option: B
What is a storm beach?
A permanent ridge formed by the high tide
A semi-permanent ridge formed by high waves
A temporary ridge formed by low tides
A ridge formed by volcanic activity
Option: B
What are beach ridges or berms?
Low ridges built by destructive waves
High ridges built by constructive waves
Low ridges built by constructive waves
High ridges built by destructive waves
Option: C
What are beach cusps?
Small regular embayment
Large regular embayment
Small irregular embayment
Large irregular embayment
Option: A
Sand ripples are
Ridges and runnels at the seaward side of the sand beach
Broad and gentle rises and depressions on the lower beach section
Small anastomosing drainage channels developed below the cusps
Depressions caused by erosion and beach cutting
Option: B
What is progradation?
Depletion of beaches due to erosion
Regular increase in the width of sea beaches towards the sea
Formation of ridges, embankments or mounds of sands
Formation of shoals due to deposition of sands
Option: B
What are bars?
Mounds of sands formed by sedimentation through sea waves parallel to the shoreline
Small regular embayments
Broad and gentle rises and depressions on the lower beach section
Small anastomosing drainage channels developed below the cusps
Option: A
What are spits?
Sand bars formed parallel to the coast but not attached to the land
Sand bars formed with one end attached to the land while the other end projects towards the sea
Ridges and runnels at the seaward side of the sand beach
Broad and gentle rises and depressions developed at the seaward side of the sand beach
Option: B
What are hooked spits?
Spits stabilized by equilibrium between constructive and destructive waves
Spits bent towards the coast by high-energy storm waves
Spits attached to the main land at their distal end, forming a baymouth bar