Fri. Jan 10th, 2025

Climate Types and Biomes

  1. Which of the following is a reason for this adaptation?

    1. To prevent water loss through transpiration
    2. To attract pollinators during the summer season
    3. To increase photosynthetic efficiency
    4. To store more water in the leaves

    Option: A

  2. Which of the following is a characteristic of the summer season in Mediterranean climatic regions?

    1. High rainfall
    2. Cloudy skies
    3. Low humidity
    4. Low temperature

    Option: C

  3. Which of the following is responsible for maximum growth in vegetation during the winter season in Mediterranean climatic regions?

    1. Increased evapotranspiration
    2. Loss of water due to increased temperature
    3. Spring rainfall
    4. Lack of rainfall during summer season

    Option: C

  4. Which type of vegetation dominates the Mediterranean biome?

    1. Grasslands
    2. Evergreen forests
    3. Desert shrubs
    4. Trees and shrubs

    Option: D

  5. What is the reason for the multi-layered structural pattern of vegetation community in the European Mediterranean regions?

    1. To attract pollinators
    2. To increase photosynthetic efficiency
    3. To regulate gaseous exchange
    4. To adapt to regional environmental conditions

    Option: D

  6. What is the role of fire in the Mediterranean climatic regions?

    1. To reduce soil erosion
    2. To clear natural vegetation for agriculture
    3. To reduce the silt load of major rivers
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  7. Which of the following is a characteristic of the xeromorphic structure of plants in the Mediterranean biome?

    1. Thick barks
    2. Sunken stomata
    3. High humidity
    4. Thin leaves

    Option: B

  8. What is the characteristic feature of Mediterranean vegetation?

    1. Large barks
    2. Thick stems
    3. Sclerophyllous structure
    4. Dwarf forests

    Option: C

  9. What are the different names of shrubs found in the Mediterranean biome?

    1. Maquis or garrigue in southern Europe, chaparral in California, fymbos or fymbosch in South Africa and mallee scrub in Australia
    2. Oak and pine trees
    3. Arbutus and Pistacia shrubs
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  10. What is the function of xeromorphic structures of plants?

    1. To regulate gaseous exchange
    2. To conserve moisture
    3. To adjust to changing weather conditions
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  11. Which tree has the mechanism of closing its stomata during dry summer season or even during winter drought to conserve moisture?

    1. Oak tree
    2. Fir tree
    3. Pine tree
    4. Mastic tree

    Option: D

  12. Which type of root system has developed in plants in accordance with the regional environmental conditions mainly the availability of moisture?

    1. Extensive root systems with strong tap root
    2. Root systems which develop above the ground as well as quite deep inside the ground
    3. Bulbous or tuber roots
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  13. Which layer of vegetation community is dominated by oak trees in the European Mediterranean biome?

    1. Topmost layer or the canopy layer
    2. Middle layer
    3. Ground layer
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  14. What is the middle layer of vegetation community in the European Mediterranean biome formed of?

    1. Oak trees
    2. Shrubs like Arbutus, Pistacia, Rhammus, Ceratonia
    3. Herbaceous plants
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  15. Which biome has the counterpart of European maquis called as chaparrals?

    1. North-American or Californian Mediterranean Biome
    2. South African Mediterranean Biome
    3. Australian Mediterranean Biome
    4. Chilean Mediterranean Biome

    Option: A

  16. Which shrubs are locally called as fymbos in the South African Mediterranean Biome?

    1. Sclerophyllous shrubs
    2. Flowering shrubs
    3. Evergreen shrubs
    4. Deciduous shrubs

    Option: A

  17. What is the dominant tree species in the Australian Mediterranean Biome?

    1. Oak
    2. Pine
    3. Eucalyptus
    4. Maple

    Option: C

  18. What is the average net primary productivity of the Mediterranean Biome?

    1. 6000 grams per square meter per year
    2. 7000 grams per square meter per year
    3. 700 dry grams per square meter per year
    4. 600 dry grams per square meter per year

    Option: C

  19. What is the reason for the abundance of animal species in the Californian and Chilean regions of the Mediterranean Biome?

    1. Abundant supply of food from various types of shrubs
    2. Presence of large water bodies
    3. High annual rainfall
    4. Dense forests

    Option: A

  20. Which animal species has become totally extinct in the South African Mediterranean Biome?

    1. Bontebok
    2. Duiker
    3. Steembuck
    4. Quagga

    Option: D