Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

UGC NET June 2015 Paper III

  1. The place where an organism or community of organisms lives is called :

    1. Environment
    2. Atmosphere
    3. Habitat
    4. Society

    Option: C

  2. Photosynthesis is the process by which :

    1. Radiant energy converted into chemical energy
    2. Radiant energy converted into thermal energy
    3. Radiant energy converted into bio-energy
    4. Radiant energy converted into geo-thermal energy

    Option: A

  3. Vadose water’ remain in between :

    1. Crust and mantle
    2. Mantle and core
    3. Ground surface and water table
    4. Ground surface and tropopause

    Option: C

  4. Which one of the following is not a macro-nutrients to plants ?

    1. Carbon
    2. Iron
    3. Nitrogen
    4. Oxygen

    Option: B

  5. The concept of the laws of ‘primate city’ was given by :

    1. E. Huntington
    2. E. C. Semple
    3. M. Jefferson
    4. W. Christaller

    Option: C

  6. To which school does Eratosthenes, the father of geography belongs to :

    1. Roman
    2. Arab
    3. German
    4. Greek

    Option: D

  7. Von Thunen’s Agricultural Locational theory is based on :

    1. Empirical Approach
    2. Normative Approach
    3. Deductive Approach
    4. Behavioral Approach

    Option: B

  8. Who was greatly influenced by Le Play’s triology of Place – Work – Folk and adopted an alternate triology of Environment – Function – Organism ?

    1. Roxby
    2. Geddes
    3. Herbertsen
    4. Chisholm

    Option: B

  9. Which Indian geographer has written the book ‘Geography of Purans’ ?

    1. S. M. Ali
    2. P. P. Karan
    3. M. Shafi
    4. B. Dubey

    Option: A

  10. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

    List – I(Modern Indian Geographers) List – II(Field of Specialization)
    a. R. L. Singh i. Urban geography
    b. G. S. Gosal ii. Settlement geography
    c. C. D. Despande iii. Regional development and planning
    d. V. L. S. Prakash Rao iv. Population geography
    1. i ii iii iv
    2. iii i iv ii
    3. ii iv i iii
    4. iv iii ii i

    Option: C

  11. Who among the following scholars is not related with behavioural geography ?

    1. W. K. Kink
    2. Peter Gould
    3. Yi Fu Twan
    4. Gilbert White

    Option: C

  12. Which one of the following states in India has the lowest population density in the latest census ?

    1. Arunachal Pradesh
    2. Jammu and Kashmir
    3. Sikkim
    4. Mizoram

    Option: A

  13. Which of the following stages of demographic transition indicate the state of under development ?

    1. High stationary stage
    2. Early expanding stage
    3. Late expanding stage
    4. Low stationary stage

    Option: A

  14. Which one of the following districts in India has recorded the highest sex ratio in 2011 ?

    1. Mahe (Pondicherry)
    2. Almora (Uttarakhand)
    3. Alwar (Rajasthan)
    4. Thanjavur (Tamil Nadu)

    Option: A

  15. Which one of the following density is calculated using following formula : ED= NK/SK , where N is the number of inhabitants, K is per capita quantity of requirement, S is area in square kilometers, and K’ is the quantity of resources produced per km square.

    1. Arithmetic
    2. Agricultural
    3. Physiological
    4. Economic

    Option: D

  16. Which one of the following measures of central tendency is used to indicate the ‘centre of population’ ?

    1. Median
    2. Mode
    3. Mean
    4. Harmonic mean

    Option: C

  17. Which of the concept relates population size to the land area with a view to assess pressure of population upon the resources of the area ?

    1. Population Growth Rate
    2. Population Density
    3. Agriculture Density
    4. Physiological Density

    Option: B

  18. Which one of the following religions has maximum territorial region of dominance in the World ?

    1. Budhism
    2. Islam
    3. Christianity
    4. Hinduism

    Option: C

  19. Which of the following group of crops can be grown in the area having temperature 20 – 27 degree Celsius and annual rainfall more than 150 cm ?

    1. Barley, Jute, Tea
    2. Rubber, Rice, Jute
    3. Tea, Coffee, Maize
    4. Rice, Wheat, Maize

    Option: B

  20. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

    List – I(Authors) List – II(Theory)
    a. Weber i. Minimum production cost
    b. Smith ii. Maximum profit
    c. Hotelling iii. Minimum transport cost
    d. Hoover iv. Market competition
    1. iii ii iv i
    2. i ii iii iv
    3. iii iv i ii
    4. i ii iv iii

    Option: A