Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET June 2015 Paper III

  1. Which of the following is formed due to tectonic forces ?

    1. Rift valley
    2. Hanging valley
    3. Super imposed valley
    4. Antecedent valley

    Option: A

  2. Drowned glaciated valleys in high latitudes regions are known as :

    1. Ocean trenches
    2. Submarine ridges
    3. Submarine ridges
    4. Submarine canyons

    Option: C

  3. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given :

    List – I List – II
    a. Basalt 1.Geneis
    b. Granite 2. Quartzite
    c. Sandstone 3. Schist
    d. Shale 4. Slate
    1. ii i iv iii
    2. i ii iii iv
    3. iv ii i iii
    4. iii i ii iv

    Option: D

  4. Consider the following statements regarding Kants view on the origin of the earth :Kant introduced the Newtonian law of gravitation in his theory.Kant developed his theory accepting the principle of conservation of angular momentum.Though Laplace put forward the nebular hypothesis of origin of the earth, Kant is regarded by many as the real propounder of the nebular hypothesisWhich of the statements are correct ?

    1. (a) and (b)
    2. (b) and (c)
    3. (a) and (c)
    4. (a), (b) and (c)

    Option: D

  5. Excessive folding results in :

    1. Reverse fault
    2. Geosyncline
    3. Nappe formation
    4. Block disintegration

    Option: C

  6. All coral reefs begun as fringe reefs around an inland. This was indicated in :

    1. Day's glacial control theory
    2. Daly's subsidence theory
    3. Darwin's glacial control theory
    4. Darwin's subsidence theory

    Option: D

  7. Guttenberg discontinuity is found between the :

    1. Upper core and lower core
    2. Mantle and the core
    3. Crust and the mantle
    4. Upper mantle and lower mantle

    Option: B

  8. Who postulated the concept of Sea floor spreading ?

    1. W. J. Morgan
    2. T. J. Wilson
    3. Le Pichon
    4. Harry Hess

    Option: D

  9. Mauna Loa, in Hawaii is famous for :

    1. Botanical garden
    2. Monitoring sea level rise since 1950
    3. Monitoring rainfall
    4. Continuous monitoring of atmospheric CO2 since 1957

    Option: D

  10. Match the List – I and List – II select the correct answer from the codes given below :List – IList – IIIsohelIsohalineIsotachIsonephline joining places having same average percentage of cloudinessline joining the places having same duration of sunshineline joining the places having equal salinity in the oceanline joining places having equal wind speedCodes : a b c d

    1. ii iii i iv
    2. i ii iii iv
    3. ii iii iv i
    4. iv iii i ii

    Option: C

  11. The only truely continuous pressure belt on the earth is :

    1. Southern hemisphere subtropical high
    2. Northern hemisphere subtropical high
    3. Equatorial low
    4. Southern hemisphere sub polar low

    Option: D

  12. Which two global winds originate from the subtropical highs ?

    1. Polar easterlies and westerlies
    2. Trade winds and polar easterlies
    3. Trade winds and westerlies
    4. Chinook and Foehn

    Option: C

  13. An aircraft is flying at an altitude of 10 km. At that altitude the temperature is -40 Degree Celsius. What is the ambient temperature on the ground :

    1. 24 Degree Celsius
    2. 25 Degree Celsius
    3. 30 Degree Celsius
    4. 20 Degree Celsius

    Option: B

  14. Which one of the following is not a necessary condition for condensation ?

    1. Saturation
    2. Surface
    3. High altitude
    4. Water

    Option: C

  15. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : Land surface is heated more quickly and to a greater extent than the water surface when subject to an equal amount of insolation

    Reason (R) : The specific heat of land is more than that of water

    1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
    2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not a correct explanation of (A)
    3. (A) is true but (R) is false
    4. (A) is false but (R) is true

    Option: C

  16. Which of the following does not enhance the instability of air ?

    1. Radiation cooling of earth's surface after sun set
    2. Radiation cooling from cloud top
    3. Heating an air mass from below as it passes over a warm surface
    4. Intense solar heating in the lowermost atmosphere

    Option: A

  17. The speed of a ocean current is about :

    1. 2% of the speed of prevailing wind
    2. 4% of the speed of prevailing wind
    3. 6% of the speed of prevailing wind
    4. 8% of the speed of prevailing wind

    Option: A

  18. The ocean water was iceberg free during the era :

    1. Archaean
    2. Paleozoic
    3. Cenozoic
    4. Mesozoic

    Option: D

  19. The salinity of sea ice ranges from :

    1. 0 - 3%
    2. 3 - 10%
    3. 11 - 17%
    4. 28 - 35%

    Option: B

  20. Match List – I with List – II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

    List – I(River) List – II(Sediment transported to ocean in 104 tons/y)
    a. Ganga i. 726
    b. Mekong ii. 500
    c. Brahmputra iii. 1600iv. 1000
    1. iii ii iv i
    2. ii i iii iv
    3. iii iv i ii
    4. iv iii i ii

    Option: B