Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET June 2015 Paper II

  1. Which one of the following states recorded the lowest decadal growth rate of population according to the 2011 census ?

    1. Arunachal Pradesh
    2. Madhya Pradesh
    3. Punjab
    4. Nagaland

    Option: D

  2. According to 2011 census, which state recorded the highest child sex-ratio (0 – 6 years) ?

    1. Manipur
    2. Mizoram
    3. Meghalaya
    4. Arunachal Pradesh

    Option: D

  3. Out of total population of 121 crore, what was the level of urbanization in 2011 census ?

    1. 33.16%
    2. 32.16%
    3. 30.16%
    4. 31.16%

    Option: D

  4. In which one of the cities first city improvement trust was set up ?

    1. Bombay
    2. Calcutta
    3. Hyderabad
    4. Lucknow

    Option: A

  5. Horwood and Boyce described which term epigrammatically as Devoted to people, paper work and parcels ?

    1. Frame
    2. Core
    3. Periphery
    4. Fringe

    Option: B

  6. Consider the following statements :

    1. Nearly 30% of the petroleum production in the world is from the off shore areas.
    2. The exclusive economic zone in the ocean extends up to 100 nautical miles from the coast.
    3. Only less than 1% of marine area is declared as protected area.
    4. The largest marine protected area is the Great Barrier Reef.

    Which of these statements are correct ?

    1. (a) and (b)
    2. (a), (c) and (d)
    3. (a) and (d)
    4. (b) and (c)

    Option: C

  7. Which one of the following groups of countries represents the flow of food grains to food deficit regions of the world ?

    1. North America, Argentina, Indian Sub continent and China to Western Europe, Middle East and Japan
    2. Australia, South Africa, India to Middle East, Western Europe and North Africa
    3. North America, Argentina, South Africa and Australia to Japan, Russia and Western Europe
    4. North America, Australia, Russia to China, Japan and Middle East

    Option: C

  8. Which one of the following groups of countries requires import of iron to sustain their demand ?

    1. Western Europe, Brazil and Canada
    2. Japan, Western Europe and U.S.A.
    3. India, China and South Africa
    4. U.S.A., Western Europe and Mexico

    Option: B

  9. Which one of the following is the busiest oceanic trade route ?

    1. Panama
    2. North Atlantic route
    3. Suez Canal
    4. Cape route

    Option: B

  10. Balance of Trade of India is always negative with the Middle Eastern Countries due to the import of :

    1. Food Material
    2. Cotton Textile
    3. Coal and Iron
    4. Petroleum

    Option: D

  11. Which one of the following authors has classified Indian Races ?

    1. R.L. Singh
    2. Sir Herbert Risley
    3. Huntigton
    4. Trewartha

    Option: B

  12. Heart land theory is postulated by :

    1. P.E. James
    2. H.J. Mackinder
    3. G.G. Chisholm
    4. H.R. Mill

    Option: B

  13. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : Cuba and U.S.A. are nearer to each other in geographical space, but they are not friendly neighbours.

    Reason (R) : There is strong differences in political philosophy.

    1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
    2. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
    3. (A) is true, but (R) is false.
    4. (A) is false, but (R) is true.

    Option: A

  14. Which one of the following authors has defined the phrase Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, customs acquired by a man as member of society ?

    1. E.B. Taylor
    2. R.H. Lowie
    3. Kroeber
    4. Goldenweiser

    Option: A

  15. Indian people elect their representatives to House of People by :

    1. Single preference ballot
    2. People's choice in Gram Sabha
    3. Nomination by a panel of experts
    4. Election through state legislature

    Option: A

  16. Whose theory did propagate that ‘an area is poor because it is poor’ :

    1. Myrdal
    2. Berry
    3. Hirschman
    4. Boudeville

    Option: A

  17. In which one of the following concept the term ‘triple bottom line’ (TBL) reflecting the importance of environmental, social and economic factors in decision making is defined ?

    1. Inclusivity
    2. Sustainability
    3. Poly-centricity
    4. Mono-centric

    Option: B

  18. Which one of the following Regions is characterized by communication networks flowing upwards and downwards through a succession of service centers of varying significance ?

    1. Heterogenous
    2. Homogenous
    3. Nodal
    4. Administrative

    Option: C

  19. Which one of the following planning regions develops along transportation line or irrigation channels ?

    1. Transitional Regions
    2. River Valley Regions
    3. Axial development Regions
    4. City Regions

    Option: C

  20. Who has designed the plan of Chandigarh City ?

    1. Ernst May
    2. Le Corbusier
    3. Soria Y Matte
    4. Charles Edward Jeanneret

    Option: B