Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET June 2014 Paper III

  1. Match List  I with List  II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

    List I(Location) List II(Industry)
    a. Aluminum i. Mysore
    b. Copper smelting ii. Renukoot
    c. Zink smelting iii. Vishakhapatnam
    d. Silk iv. Khetri
    1. ii iv iii i
    2. i ii iv iii
    3. iv iii i ii
    4. iii ii iv i

    Option: A

  2. The ‘Cultural Turn’ in geography has been responsible for :

    1. Bringing social and cultural geography closer to each other
    2. Social geography taking over cultural geography.
    3. Creating void between social and cultural geography.
    4. Reducing the significance of Social geography.

    Option: A

  3. Welfare approach in geographic studies emphasizes spatial variation in

    1. Socio-Economic development
    2. Public-private partnership in development
    3. Infrastructural development
    4. Quality of life

    Option: D

  4. For measuring the success of changes in electoral boundaries, we use the concept of :

    1. Representation
    2. Malapportionment
    3. Legitimate participation
    4. Non-legitimate participation

    Option: B

  5. Match items in List  I with items in List  II and select the correct answer using the codes given below :

    List I(Name of the country) List II(Name of Administrative Unit)
    a. District 1. France
    b. Department 2. India
    c. Country 3. Germany
    d. Kreise 4. Great Britain
    1. 1 2 3 4
    2. 4 2 3 1
    3. 2 1 4 3
    4. 3 2 1 4

    Option: C

  6. Geostrategic model’, dividing the world into ten regions, was propounded by :

    1. P. J. Taylor
    2. John Short
    3. John Agnew
    4. Saul Cohen

    Option: D

  7. Which of the following countries is known as a Unique assemblage of human races in the world ?

    1. Union of South Africa
    2. U.S.A.
    3. Indonesia
    4. India

    Option: D

  8. Which one of the following characteristic features of Indian federalism does not have a geographical base ?

    1. Vast area size
    2. Physical and cultural diversities
    3. Regional inequalities in socio-economic development
    4. Division of powers and functions between Union and states

    Option: D

  9. The most appropriate sampling Technique to represent the heterogenous population of a region is :

    1. Cluster
    2. Random stratified
    3. Systematic
    4. Purposive

    Option: B

  10. Match List  I with List  II and select a correct answer using the codes given below :

    List I(Functions) List II(Instruments)
    a. GPS base i. Distance and area
    b. Pantograph ii. 3-D Vision
    c. Planimeter iii. Global location
    d. Stereoscope iv. Reduction &
    1. iii i iv ii
    2. ii iv iii i
    3. iii iv i ii
    4. i ii iii iv

    Option: C

  11. The contour interval followed in SOI Toposheet with 1/50,000 scale is :

    1. 20 Meters
    2. 50 Meters
    3. 100 Meters
    4. 150 Meters

    Option: A

  12. Mean, median and mode coincide if the distribution of values is

    1. Negativity skewed
    2. Normal
    3. Positivity skewed
    4. Poisson

    Option: B

  13. Which of the following diagrams is used to show proportion of different land uses in an area ?

    1. Pie
    2. Wind rose
    3. Line
    4. Flow-Chart

    Option: A

  14. Which of the following is a GIS operation ?

    1. Image displaying
    2. Contrast stretching
    3. Map over laying
    4. Map designing

    Option: C

  15. Match List  I with List  II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

    List I(Analysis) List II(Statistic)
    a. Standard Distance i. Principal Component
    b. Nearest Neighbor ii. Scatter diagram
    c. Correlation iii. Settlement pattern
    d. Eigen Value iv. Centrographic measure
    1. iii iv i ii
    2. iv iii ii i
    3. i iv iii ii
    4. ii iii iv i

    Option: B

  16. About three-fourth of manganese ore reserves of India are found in :

    1. Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Goa
    2. Karnataka, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra
    3. Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Goa, Andhra Pradesh
    4. Madhya Pradesh, Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Jharkhand

    Option: B

  17. The member of agro-climatic regions in India as per Planning Commission is

    1. Twelve
    2. Thirteen
    3. Fourteen
    4. Fifteen

    Option: D

  18. Which one of the following major seaports of India does not have natural harbour ?

    1. Mumbai
    2. Cochin
    3. Marmagao
    4. Paradeep

    Option: D

  19. Which one of the following matches is not-correct ?

    1. Himadri Greater Himalya
    2. Shiwalik Outer Himalaya
    3. Western Ghatü Peninsular India
    4. Gondwanaland Lesser Himalaya

    Option: D

  20. Which one of the following atomic power stations is located in Tamil Nadu ?

    1. Tarapur
    2. Kota
    3. Kalpakkam
    4. Narora

    Option: C