Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET June 2014 Paper II

  1. Cumulative frequency distribution is shown by

    1. Histogram
    2. Frequency Curve
    3. Ogive
    4. Pie diagram

    Option: C

  2. Flow maps are used to show the distribution of which type of following data ?

    1. Line
    2. Area
    3. Point
    4. Volume

    Option: A

  3. Match List  I with List  II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

    List I(Spectral Bands) List II(Wavelength)
    a Visible region i. 8 12 micrometre
    b. Near Infrared ii. 1 mm 1.0 metre
    c. Microwave iii. 0.7 3.0 micrometre
    d. Thermal Infrared iv. 0.4 0.7 micrometre
    1. iv ii iii i
    2. iii iv i ii
    3. iv iii ii i
    4. iii iv ii i

    Option: A

  4. The longest west flowing Peninsular river is

    1. Godavari
    2. Krishna
    3. Narmada
    4. Tapti

    Option: C

  5. The most important source of irrigation in Great Indian Desert (Thar) is

    1. Canal
    2. Well
    3. Tube-well
    4. All of the above

    Option: A

  6. The oldest and the richest coal field of India with respect to quantity of production and quality is

    1. Bokaro
    2. Jharia
    3. Raniganj
    4. Makum-Nazira

    Option: C

  7. The highest and the lowest population density difference during 2001 and 2011 was recorded respectively in

    1. Haryana and Arunachal Pradesh
    2. Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu
    3. West Bengal and Nagaland
    4. Bihar and Nagaland

    Option: D

  8. Which one of the following sequences of the Himalayan ranges from South to North is correct ?

    1. Karakoram Ladakh Zaskar Pir panjal
    2. Ladakh Zaskar Pir Panjal Karakoram
    3. Zaskar Pir Panjal Karakoram Ladakh
    4. Pir Panjal Zaskar Ladakh Karakoram

    Option: D

  9. The agricultural region is a

    1. Homogenous region
    2. Functional region
    3. Nodal region
    4. Natural region

    Option: A

  10. Who has defined that there is only one region the surface of the earth on which mankind finds its home ?

    1. Minshull
    2. Vidal de la Blasche
    3. Fenneman
    4. Herbertson

    Option: A

  11. According to Hufschmidt, bringout the chronological sequence in the main phases of development of Regional planning in the last 100 years of its history.

    1. Cultural Regionalism Orientation
    2. Metropolitan Orientation
    3. Natural Resource Orientation
    4. Regional Science Orientation
    1. iii, ii, iv, i
    2. i, iii, iv, ii
    3. iv, i, iii, ii
    4. iii, i, iv, ii

    Option: D

  12. Regional development is a

    1. Single functional Approach
    2. Multi-functional Approach
    3. Place Prosperity
    4. Rationalisation of population distribution

    Option: B

  13. The entire planning technique in India had been based on the model prepared by

    1. P.C. Mahalanobis
    2. Fieldman
    3. Domar
    4. V.M. Dandekar

    Option: A

  14. The statement that Who rules East Europe, commands the Heartland who rules the Heartland, commands the world Island….. was made by

    1. Mackinder
    2. Spykman
    3. Alfred Mahan
    4. Whittlesey

    Option: A

  15. Which one of the following languages belong to the Semito- Hamitic linguistic family ?

    1. Gondi
    2. Hebrew
    3. Spanish
    4. Dutch

    Option: A

  16. Geography of public policy is concerned with geographical study of

    1. Creation and implementation of public policies
    2. Implementation an monitoring of public policies
    3. Creation and evaluation of public policies
    4. Evaluation of public policies
    1. 1 and 2 are correct.
    2. 2 and 3 are correct.
    3. 2 and 4 are correct.
    4. 1 and 3 are correct.

    Option: B

  17. The paradoxical situation of co-existence of the patrilineal society and the dominating position of women characterize.

    1. Khasi Tribe
    2. Bhil Tribe
    3. Gond Tribe
    4. Tharu Tribe

    Option: D

  18. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : With the development of H.Y.V. rubber trees and later synthetic rubber, the rubber of the Amazon basin has become a little more than memory.

    Reason (R) : Resources are created and destroyed by human culture.

    1. (A) is correct, but (R) is wrong.
    2. (A) is wrong, but (R) is correct.
    3. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) explains (A).
    4. Both (A) and (R) are wrong.

    Option: C

  19. Japan is one of the leading industrial countries in the world because it has

    1. Developed hydel power
    2. Large deposits of metallic minerals
    3. High level of technological capability
    4. Insular location
    1. 1, 2, 3 and 4
    2. 1, 2 and 3
    3. 1 and 3
    4. 2 and 4

    Option: C

  20. What are the three bases for spatial interaction as described in Edward Ullman’s model ?

    1. Complementarity, Transferability and intervening opportunity
    2. Complementarity, Commodity specific relationship and surplus-deficit relationship.
    3. Complimentarity, convenience and residential neighbourhood.
    4. Human behaviour, convenience and transferability

    Option: A