Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET June 2005 Paper II

  1. Representation of the Universe is best done by which of the following :

    1. Random sampling
    2. Systematic random sampling
    3. Simple random sampling
    4. Stratified random sampling

    Option: B

  2. Significance of regression co-efficient in bivariate analysis is studied by using the:

    1. T - test
    2. F - test
    3. Standard error of estimate
    4. Standard deviation

    Option: A

  3. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : Standard deviation is a measure of dispersion of values in a data set.

    Reason (R) : Value tends to move away from the central value in the data set.

    1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
    2. Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
    3. (A) is true but (R) is false
    4. (A) is false but (R) is true

    Option: C

  4. Narora nuclear power station is located in the State of :

    1. Maharashtra
    2. TamilNadu
    3. Uttar Pradesh
    4. Rajasthan

    Option: C

  5. Which one of the following has contributed to low level of economic development in India ?

    1. Slow decline in share of agriculture to Gross Domestic Product
    2. Rapid increase in share of employment in secondary sector
    3. Rapid increase in share of employment in tertiary sector
    4. Out migration of shilled population to developed countries

    Option: A

  6. In the delineation of physiographic regions of India the terms macro, meso, and micro were introduced by

    1. R.L.Singh
    2. M.B.Pithawala
    3. O.H.H. Spate
    4. S.P.Chatterjee

    Option: A

  7. The following States were carved out after 1960. Arrange them in ascending chronological order of their creation .

    1. Haryana
    2. Sikkim
    3. Nagaland
    4. Meghalaya
    1. i ii iii iv
    2. ii iii iv i
    3. ii iv i iii
    4. iii i iv ii

    Option: D

  8. Which of the following is not a planned city ?

    1. Chandigarh
    2. Bhubhaneshwar
    3. Jaipur
    4. Lucknow

    Option: D

  9. Which one of the five year plans for Economic Development of India elaborated the policy on minimising regional disparities in Development ?

    1. Fourth Five Year Plan
    2. Sixth Five Year Plan
    3. Third Five Year Plan
    4. Fifth Five Year Plan

    Option: C

  10. The Census of India recognizes how many size classes of towns :

    1. Five
    2. Three
    3. Six
    4. Four

    Option: C

  11. Which one of the following methods is used for identifying regions with variations in levels of development ?

    1. Boundary girdles
    2. Lorenze curve
    3. Principal Component Analysis
    4. Nearest Neighbour Analysis

    Option: D

  12. Which of the following is a direct indicator of regional development ?

    1. Hospital beds per 1000 population
    2. Length of roads per 1000 square kilometer
    3. Per-Capita consumption of steel
    4. Per Capita income

    Option: D

  13. The theory of diffusion of innovation was propounded by :

    1. Christaller
    2. Hagerstrand
    3. Hagget
    4. Chorley

    Option: B

  14. Which one of the following States has the highest concentration index of urdu speaking population (1991) :

    1. Maharashtra
    2. Bihar
    3. Madhya Pradesh
    4. Uttar Pradesh

    Option: D

  15. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : Social diversity is the most effective manifestation of Indian identity.

    Reason (R) : There are well defined tribal identities based on ethnic origin.

    1. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) explains (A)
    2. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) does not explain (A)
    3. (A) is correct but (R) is false
    4. (A) is false but (R) is correct

    Option: B

  16. Which one of the following is a South Indian caste ?

    1. Madiga
    2. Gujar
    3. Khatik
    4. Dom

    Option: A

  17. In recent times the highest importer of Tea is :

    1. United Kingdom
    2. China
    3. Pakistan
    4. U.S.A.

    Option: D

  18. Weber’s material index (MI) refers to ratio between

    1. The cost of raw materials and cost of product
    2. Transport cost and cost of labour
    3. Cost of energy and cost of labour
    4. The weight of raw material and weight of product

    Option: D

  19. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : In Von – Thunen’s model of agricultural zones around a city, each zone specialises in the production of those argicultural products to which it is best suited.

    Reason (R) : Von – Thunen did not conceive the advantages of combined operation of specialised agricultural enterprises and the livestock

    1. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) explains (A)
    2. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) does not explain (A)
    3. (A) is correct but (R) is wrong
    4. (A) is wrong but (R) is right

    Option: B

  20. An increase in population at the rate of 2.1 per cent per annum will account for its getting doubled in :

    1. 37 years
    2. 29 years
    3. 33 years
    4. 28 years

    Option: D