Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET December 2015 Paper III

  1. Who laid the foundation of modern geographical thought ?

    1. Humboldt and Ritter
    2. Kant and Varenius
    3. Hettner and Richthopen
    4. Humboldt and Davis

    Option: A

  2. Which is the correct sequence in chronological order of the following Greeks who contributed vastly to the evolution of geographical thought during the ancient period ?

    1. Aristotle, Eratosthenes, Anaximander, Ptolemy
    2. Eratosthenes, Anaximander, Ptolemy, Aristotle
    3. Anaximander, Aristotle, Eratosthenes, Ptolemy
    4. Ptolemy, Anaximander, Aristotle, Eratosthenes

    Option: C

  3. Which one of the concepts describes the absence of cities and towns within a radius of 75 km from a large city ?

    1. Urban Clusters
    2. Urban Dispersals
    3. Urban Agglomeration
    4. Urban Shadows

    Option: D

  4. How physiological density of population is defined ?

    1. A ratio between total population and total area
    2. A ratio between total rural population and total rural area
    3. A ratio between total population and total cultivated area
    4. Both (2) and (3)

    Option: C

  5. As per the estimate of 2014, how much population of the world is found in Africa ?

    1. About 12%
    2. About 14%
    3. About 16%
    4. About 18%

    Option: C

  6. The ‘Triangular Pattern’ of rural settlements develop generally :

    1. at the bank of the straight rivers
    2. at the confluence of two rivers
    3. between two hills
    4. at the confluence of two rivers and one hill

    Option: B

  7. Which one of the following techniques would you consider for estimation of requirements of population in an area for planning allocations ?

    1. Carrying capacity analysis
    2. Cost-benefit analysis
    3. Population projection
    4. Rank-size rule

    Option: C

  8. Which of the following exhibits cumulative percentages of population against cumulative percentages of area ?

    1. Gravity Model
    2. Beta Index
    3. Ogive Curve
    4. Lorenz Curve

    Option: D

  9. The density of population is highest in which of the following states of India according to the census of 2011 ?

    1. Bihar
    2. Punjab
    3. Uttar Pradesh
    4. West Bengal

    Option: A

  10. Which of the following industrial regions of India is called as ‘Ruhr of India’ ?

    1. Bengaluru - Tamil Nadu Industrial Region
    2. Chhota Nagpur Industrial Region
    3. Vishakhapatnam - Guntur Industrial Region
    4. Hugli Industrial Region

    Option: B

  11. In which Island the ‘Rice Bowl’ of Japan is situated ?

    1. Kyushu
    2. Honshu
    3. Shi Koku
    4. Ryuku

    Option: B

  12. Which one of the following authors suggested a fivefold divisions of adopters on the basis of the time lag between receiving and acting upon new information as shown in diagram below ?

    1. E.M. Rogers
    2. L.W. Bowden
    3. Z. Giriliches
    4. T. Hagerstrend

    Option: A

  13. Which one of the following authors examined the structure of urban settlements prior to the impact of large-scale industrialisation in book ‘The Pre-Industrial City Past and Present’ ?

    1. M. Pacioue
    2. G. Sjoberg
    3. P. Hall
    4. D. Dwyer

    Option: B

  14. Which of the following water ways has more politico-nomic significance ?

    1. Palk Strait
    2. Malacca Strait
    3. Suez Canal
    4. Panama Canal

    Option: C

  15. H.J. Mackinder was the professor of which subject at London University ?

    1. Political Science
    2. Economics
    3. Geography
    4. Social Anthropology

    Option: C

  16. To control pollution from ships and offshore platforms is taken care of by which of the following acts provision by the Government of India ?

    1. Major Port Trust Act, 1963
    2. Merchant Shipping Act, 1958
    3. Maritime Zone Act, 1976
    4. Indian Ports Act, 1908

    Option: B

  17. Which of the following is not correctly matched ?

    1. Batwa Tribe and Congo Basin
    2. Ruwala Tribe and Central Iran
    3. Inuit and Canada
    4. Yukhagir and Siberia

    Option: B

  18. Which one of the following author’s theory of primate cities focuses on the forces of agglomeration and cumulative effects of agglomeration in the growth of large cities ?

    1. Walter Christaller
    2. G.K. Zipf
    3. C. Robert Mayfield
    4. Mark Jefferson

    Option: D

  19. Which of the following activities does not come under the scope of Drought Prone Areas Programme ?

    1. Development and management of irrigation resources
    2. Soil and moisture conservation and afforestation
    3. Restructuring of cropping pattern and pasture development
    4. Flood control and soil erosion

    Option: D

  20. Which one of the following forces has expansionary momentum emanating from the centres of economic expansion to other regions ?

    1. Centripetal
    2. Centrifugal
    3. Gravitational
    4. Pull

    Option: B