Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET December 2014 Paper II

  1. Match the following List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given :

    List I(Authors) List II(Settlements)
    a. Christaller i. Market Centres
    b. Galphin ii. Industrial Nodes
    c. Losch iii. Central Places
    d. Weber iv. Rurban Centres
    1. iii iv i ii
    2. iv iii ii i
    3. i ii iii iv
    4. ii i iv iii

    Option: A

  2. Match the following List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given :

    List I(State) List II(Tribes)
    a. Arunachal Pradesh i. Adiyam, Kammar, Kondkappu
    b. Jammu and Kashmir ii. Asur, Birhor, Lepcha, Korwa
    c. West Bengal iii. Dafla, Khampti, Singpho
    d. Kerala iv. Garra, Gaddi
    1. iv iii i ii
    2. iv i iii ii
    3. iii iv ii i
    4. iii ii iv i

    Option: C

  3. Which State in India has recorded the lowest growth rate during 2001-2011 Census ?

    1. Kerala
    2. West Bengal
    3. Rajasthan
    4. Bihar

    Option: A

  4. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : The very high population density of more than 400 persons / km2 extends from upper Indus-Satlaj-Ganga Brahmaputra Valley and Delta.

    Reason (R) : This phenomena is attributed to rich alluvial soils, flat land, rice and wheat cultivation,irrigation facilities and favourable climatic conditions.

    1. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
    2. Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
    3. (A) is true, but (R) is false.
    4. (A) is false, but (R) is correct.

    Option: A

  5. The decadal growth of population (1991-2001) according to the 2001 Census is

    1. 23.86%
    2. 21.34%
    3. 24.66%
    4. 24.80%

    Option: B

  6. Among the following natural resources which resource is providing more livelihood to the people ?

    1. Water
    2. Land
    3. Forest
    4. Mineral

    Option: B

  7. Which one of the following factors is more crucial for agricultural development ?

    1. Tractors
    2. Fertilizers
    3. Irrigation
    4. Gentle slope

    Option: C

  8. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : China has the very fast growing economy of the world.

    Reason (R) : China has rich mineral resources and huge diversified labour force.

    1. (A) is true, but (R) is false.
    2. (A) is false, but (R) is true.
    3. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation.
    4. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation.

    Option: D

  9. What is the ideal minimum temperature for growth of sugarcane ?

    1. 10 °C
    2. 15 °C
    3. 20 °C
    4. 25 °C

    Option: D

  10. Who developed the technique to measure the agricultural efficiency ?

    1. S.S. Bhatia
    2. R.L. Singh
    3. S.M. Rafiullah
    4. L.D. Stamp

    Option: A

  11. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : Panchayati Raj Act empowered local bodies participation in planning process.

    Reason (R) : Panchayati Raj institutions are having three tier systems in planning and executing development projects within their jurisdiction.

    1. (A) is correct, but (R) is false.
    2. (A) is false, but (R) is correct.
    3. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is correct explanation of (A).
    4. Both (A) and (R) are correct, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

    Option: C

  12. Who propounded the Heartland Theory used in political geography ?

    1. Alfred Mackinder
    2. O.H.K. Spate
    3. Arthur Geddes
    4. J.A. Steers

    Option: A

  13. What do you mean by ‘Lebensraum’ in political geography ?

    1. Dead space
    2. Living space
    3. Administrative unit
    4. Religious organisation

    Option: B

  14. Which one of the following factors affecting more at present to the voting behaviour in India ?

    1. Development
    2. Caste system
    3. Religion base
    4. Old base of political parties

    Option: A

  15. Which of the following names of shifting cultivation in Orissa is correct ?

    1. Podu
    2. Bewar
    3. Pendo
    4. Jhum

    Option: A

  16. India has been divided into 13 Macro Planning regions. Which of the following authors have delineated planning regions of India ?

    1. P. Sen Gupta and Sadasyuk Gailina
    2. R.P. Mishra, K.V. Sundaram and V.L.S. Prakasa Rao
    3. L.S. Bhatta
    4. O.H.K. Spate & Learmonth

    Option: B

  17. Which of the following geographers defined region as : A geographic area unified culturally, unified at first economically and later by consensus of thought, education, recreation etc. which distinguishes it from other areas. ?

    1. Vidal de la Blache
    2. A.J. Herbertson
    3. R.E. Dickinson
    4. K. Young

    Option: D

  18. The Eardkunde’ was published in the year 1817. Which one of the following authored the book ?

    1. O. Peschel
    2. Carl Ritter
    3. W.M. Davis
    4. G. Taylor

    Option: B

  19. Regional Imbalances of Economic development largely affected by which of the following factors ?

    1. Regional disparity in resources
    2. Lesser resource utilization
    3. Lack of education
    4. Lesser demand of the people

    Option: B

  20. Match the following List I with List II and select the correct answer from the codes given :

    List I(Book) List II(Geographer)
    a. Geographia i. Alexander von Humboldt
    b. Cosmos ii. Reclus
    c. Nations and Nationalities iii. Ratzel
    d. Anthropogeography iv. Strabo
    1. ii iii i iv
    2. i ii iii iv
    3. iv i ii iii
    4. iii ii iv i

    Option: C