Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET December 2013 Paper III

  1. The concept of geosynclines was given by

    1. James Hall and Dana
    2. Hang
    3. Holmes
    4. Steers

    Option: A

  2. The Base Level concept was postulated by

    1. James Hutton
    2. J.W. Powell
    3. W.M. Davis
    4. Walther Penck

    Option: B

  3. Which of the following is formed as a result of tectonic forces ?

    1. Hanging valley
    2. V-shaped valley
    3. Rift valley
    4. Blind valley

    Option: C

  4. Match the List  I with List  II and select the correct answer using the codes given :  

    List -I List-II
    a. A plain largely composed of recent alluvium i. Pedi plain
    b. a deep sea plain ii. Loess plain
    c. a plain formed by wind action iii. Flood plain
    d. a level surface lightly covered with thin layer of alluvium iv. Abyssal plain
    1. iv iii ii i
    2. iii iv i ii
    3. iv iii i ii
    4. iii iv ii i

    Option: D

  5. The present is the key to the past. This statement was made by

    1. W.M. Davis
    2. James Hutton
    3. Van Ritchthofen
    4. A. Penck

    Option: B

  6. Which of the following was a part of Lauratia ?

    1. Anatolian Plate
    2. Chinese Plate
    3. Iranian Plate
    4. Agean Plate

    Option: B

  7. Match List I with List II and choose the correct answer using the given codes :

    List-I List-II
    a. Normal fault i. Displacement of both the rock blocks in opposite directions
    b. Reverse fault ii. Movement of both the rock blocks towards each other
    c. Lateral fault iii. Displacement of rock block horizontally along fault plane
    d. Stege fault iv. When the slopes of a series of faults are in same direction
    1. i ii iii iv
    2. iv iii ii i
    3. iii i ii iv
    4. ii iii i iv

    Option: A

  8. When does an escarpment appear ?

    1. When a land block moves horizontally.
    2. When a land block moves vertically.
    3. When a land block moves due to water logging.
    4. When a land block moves due to human intervention.

    Option: B

  9. Identify fluvio-glacial deposits from the following :

    1. Outwash plain
    2. Flood plain
    3. Penne plain
    4. Pan plain

    Option: A

  10. Migration from developed to less developed region is called as

    1. Emigration
    2. Immigration
    3. Perverse migration
    4. Reverse migration

    Option: C

  11. Space is socially or culturally constructed is the view under

    1. Logical positivism
    2. Behaviouralism
    3. Post modernism
    4. Structuralism

    Option: C

  12. A counter clock-wise atmospheric circulation in the northern hemisphere is known as

    1. Pressure gradient
    2. Cyclone
    3. Anti-cyclone
    4. Tornado

    Option: B

  13. The author of the book ‘The Unstable Earth’ is

    1. Paschel
    2. Gilberk G.K.
    3. Mallot C.A.
    4. J.A. Steers

    Option: D

  14. Which of the following earthquake waves are most destructive ?

    1. S-waves
    2. P-waves
    3. R-waves
    4. L-waves

    Option: D

  15. Mediterranean climate is characterized by

    1. Dry summer and Humid winter
    2. Humid summer and Dry winter
    3. Dry summer and Dry winter
    4. Humid summer with no winter

    Option: A

  16. Insolation reaches the earth surface in the form of

    1. Short waves
    2. Long waves
    3. Microwaves
    4. Lorenz curve

    Option: A

  17. The range of visible wave length on electromagnetic spectrum is

    1. 0.4 to 0.7 micrometres
    2. 0.7 to 15.0 micrometres
    3. 0.3 to 0.9 micrometres
    4. 0.3 to 15.0 micrometres

    Option: A

  18. As per the Koppen’s scheme the Bhwh type of climate is found in

    1. Jammu & Kashmir
    2. Rajasthan
    3. Gujarat
    4. Odisha

    Option: B

  19. Cold dry wind experienced particularly in winter along the eastern coast of Atlantic Ocean and in Northern Italy is called

    1. Cyclone
    2. Boras
    3. Tornado
    4. Hurricane

    Option: B

  20. The atmosphere gets heated by which one of the following ?

    1. Direct rays of the sun
    2. Volcanic activity
    3. Burning of organic material
    4. Radiation from the earth

    Option: D