Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET December 2012 Paper II

  1. The concept of the Geographical Pivot of History was proposed by

    1. Mickinder
    2. Martin
    3. Kropotkin
    4. Ratzel

    Option: A

  2. Who among the following developed the sequential expansion transport network model?

    1. De Souza and Porter
    2. Brown and Bracey
    3. Myrdal, Seers and Rostow
    4. Taaffe, Morrill and Gould

    Option: D

  3. The final stage in the process of energy resource utilization is

    1. Transport
    2. Storage
    3. Disposal of waste material
    4. Conversion

    Option: C

  4. Resource creation is the result of

    1. Interaction of natural and cultural processes
    2. Interaction of different natural processes
    3. Interaction of different social processes
    4. Interaction of different economic processes

    Option: A

  5. Which one of the following sequences of land use according to Von Thunen’s model is correct ?

    1. Market gardening and fresh milk, firewood and lumber, intensive crop farming
    2. Firewood and lumber, intensive crop farming, market gardening and fresh milk
    3. Intensive crop farming, market gardening and fresh milk, firewood and lumber
    4. Market gardening and fresh milk, intensive crop farming, firewood and lumber

    Option: A

  6. The stretchability of resource refers to

    1. The ability to find adequate substitution
    2. Susceptibility to destruction
    3. Ability to produce greater yields
    4. Non-exhaustibility

    Option: C

  7. Which one of the following indicates ‘Random’ distribution of settlements ?

    1. 0.49
    2. 1
    3. 1.59
    4. 2.15

    Option: B

  8. Which one of the following describes a projected urbanized world or universal city by the end of 21st Century?

    1. Conurbation
    2. City-Region
    3. Megalopolis
    4. Ecumenopolis

    Option: D

  9. Which of the following migration streams experiences the maximum migration in India?

    1. Rural to Rural
    2. Rural to Urban
    3. Urban to Urban
    4. Urban to Rural

    Option: A

  10. The percentage of Aged population (60+) to the total population in India lies between

    1. 2 5
    2. 5 10
    3. 10 12
    4. 12 15

    Option: B

  11. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : The metropolitan cities are numerically dominated by male adult population.

    Reason (R) : Migration is age and sex selective

    1. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
    2. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
    3. (A) is correct, but (R) is false
    4. (A) is false, but (R) is correct.

    Option: A

  12. Who is usually given the credit for establishing the validity of the idea that there was an ice age during which ice sheets covered much of northern Europe?

    1. Agassiz
    2. Ramsay
    3. Jukes
    4. Penck

    Option: A

  13. Who among the following geographers emphasized the predominant role of climate in human life ?

    1. Geddes
    2. Jefferson
    3. Huntington
    4. Brunhes

    Option: C

  14. Whose pioneer statement on the scope and method of modern geography, according to Hartshorne, set the direction of geographic thought for the future?

    1. Blache
    2. Schluter
    3. Ratzel
    4. Richthofen

    Option: D

  15. The approach that some of the geographical facts according to Ritter, cannot be explained scientifically, is termed as

    1. Ecological
    2. Regional
    3. Teleological
    4. Locational

    Option: C

  16. Who among the following expounded the concept that the present is the key to the past?

    1. Buffon
    2. Lyell
    3. Hutton
    4. Playfair

    Option: C

  17. Ecological Niche refers to

    1. Interaction between man and environment
    2. The functional role of an organism in the ecosystem
    3. Interdependence of man and plant
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  18. Which of the following regions is known as the ‘carbon sink’ of the globe?

    1. Antarctica
    2. Savanna
    3. N.W. Europe
    4. Tropical rainforest

    Option: D

  19. Which of the following occupies Trophic Level I in food chain ?

    1. Bacteria
    2. Carnivores
    3. Primary consumers
    4. Plants

    Option: D

  20. In the hydrological cycle evaporation is preceded by

    1. Clouds
    2. Precipitation
    3. Heat
    4. Condensation

    Option: C