Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET December 2009 Paper II

  1. The projection in which Loxodromes are shown as straight lines is

    1. Gnomonic
    2. Mercator's
    3. Gall's Stereographic
    4. Cylindrical Equal Area

    Option: B

  2. A system which consists of data acquisition, data processing and data analysis is called

    1. Digital Image
    2. Geographic Information System
    3. Remote Sensing System
    4. Global Positioning System

    Option: B

  3. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer by using the codes given below :

    List-I List-II
    (a) Dispersion (i) b
    (b) Tally mark (ii) SD
    (c) Slope of regression line (iii) r
    (d) Correlation (iv) frequency
    1. (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
    2. (ii) (iv) (iii) (i)
    3. (ii) (iv) (i) (iii)
    4. (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

    Option: C

  4. The method which shows by the use of light and shade is called

    1. Hill shading
    2. Spot heights
    3. Hachure
    4. Benchmarks

    Option: C

  5. Through this statement, Sauer is proposing a

    1. Theory
    2. Process
    3. Directive
    4. Not very clear

    Option: D

  6. The task of Human Geography is

    1. Intuitive
    2. Stimulating
    3. Intertwined
    4. All the above

    Option: B

  7. Culture is

    1. Conventionalized Activity
    2. Directive for the society
    3. An explanatory way of life
    4. Stimulation for future generation

    Option: A

  8. Human Geography is the study of

    1. Human-beings in Society
    2. Human Adaptation to Nature
    3. Areal Differentiation in Culture
    4. Areal Differentiation in Human Resources

    Option: B

  9. What is the focal theme of the passage given above ?

    1. Culture and areal differentiations in cultures.
    2. Human Geography
    3. Laws and theories in Geography
    4. The role of Geography in Scientific Disciplines

    Option: A