Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET December 2008 Paper II

  1. The process of weathering refers to :

    1. Lateral expansion of valleys
    2. Spread of continental-shelf
    3. Breakdown of rock materials
    4. Building of rock cut platform

    Option: C

  2. Stalagtites and stalagmites are depositional landscape of :

    1. Glaciated region
    2. Limestone region
    3. Coastal topography
    4. Fluvial topography

    Option: B

  3. Heat budget refers to :

    1. Solar radiation
    2. Balance between incoming and outgoing radiation
    3. Temperature distribution over the continents
    4. Heat distribution over land and sea

    Option: B

  4. The correct sequence of landforms evolved during the cycle of fluvial erosion is :

    1. Rapids ” waterfalls ” alluvial fans ” peneplain
    2. Waterfalls ” rapids ” peneplain ” alluvial fans
    3. Peneplain ” alluvial fans ” rapids ” waterfalls
    4. Waterfalls ” peneplain ” alluvial fans ” rapids

    Option: A

  5. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : The water droplets are found to be high in the troposphere.

    Reason (R) : The temperature variation in the troposphere is not alarming compared to stratosphere.

    1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A)
    2. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A)
    3. (A) is true but (R) is false
    4. (A) is false but (R) is true

    Option: B

  6. The soil-water budget was developed by :

    1. Thornthwaite
    2. Kendrew
    3. Koppen
    4. Austin Miller

    Option: A

  7. The correct sequence of the great Oceans in term of area is :

    1. Indian ” Pacific ” Arctic ” Atlantic
    2. Pacific ” Atlantic ” Indian ” Arctic
    3. Indian ” Pacific ” Atlantic ” Arctic
    4. Arctic ” Indian ” Atlantic ” Pacific

    Option: D

  8. Bay of Bengal is a :

    1. Large marine ecosystem
    2. Small marine ecosystem
    3. A subset of small marine ecosystem
    4. A subset of large coastal ecosystem

    Option: A

  9. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R).Select your answer from the codes given below :

    Assertion (A) : In arid and semi-arid regions sheet flood is an important landforming process.

    Reason (R) : Arid and semi arid regions experience high intensity short duration rainfall.

    1. Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is correct explanation of (A)
    2. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not correct explanation of (A)
    3. (A) is true but (R) is false
    4. (R) is true but, (A) is false

    Option: B

  10. Which one of the following is an example of footloose industry ?

    1. Paper industry
    2. Manufacturing of electronic components
    3. Cement industry
    4. Aluminium industry

    Option: B

  11. The winter position of subtropical jet stream fluctuates between :

    1. 20 degree and 35 degree N
    2. 35 degree and 65 degree N
    3. 58 degree and 20 degree N
    4. 30 degree and 50 degree N

    Option: A

  12. If the population of the largest city of a region is 8 lacs what will be the population of fourth rank city according to Ziff’s Rank-size Rule ?

    1. 6 lacs
    2. 4 lacs
    3. 2 lacs
    4. 0.5 lac

    Option: D

  13. Which of the following characteristics is not true about frontier ?

    1. Frontier is a zone
    2. Frontier is outer-oriented
    3. Frontier is inner-oriented
    4. Frontier between early tribal societies was generally called a 'no man's land'.

    Option: A

  14. Pattern of population distribution is determined by :

    1. Availability of Minerals
    2. Agricultural practices
    3. Cultural practices
    4. Physiographic characteristics

    Option: D

  15. Which of the following groups of religions originated in the Middle east ?

    1. Judaism ” Christianity ” Confucianism
    2. Judaism ” Islam ” Christianity
    3. Judaism ” Islam ” Taoism
    4. Islam ” Christianity ” Confucianism

    Option: C

  16. Ozone depletion may lead to :

    1. Water shortage
    2. Forest fire
    3. Occurrence of skin cancer
    4. Resurgence of waterborne diseases

    Option: C

  17. Who wrote the book ‘Anthropogeographie’ ?

    1. F. Ratzel
    2. E. C. Semple
    3. Vidal de la Blache
    4. Charles Darwin

    Option: A

  18. Humboldt wrote his famous book ‘Cosmos’ after he conducted fieldwork in :

    1. Europe
    2. West Africa
    3. South America
    4. North America

    Option: C

  19. Philosophical approach in geographical writings was first adopted by :

    1. Carl Ritter
    2. Richard Hartshorne
    3. Bernhard Varenius
    4. Immanuel Kant

    Option: D

  20. Who edited the book ‘Geography of the Twentieth Century’ ?

    1. H. J. Mackinder
    2. Vidal de la Blache
    3. T. W. Freeman
    4. Griffith Taylor

    Option: D