Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET December 2006 Paper II

  1. The correct sequence of the advent of prominent British geographers to the development of Geography is :

    1. A. J. Herbertson, S. W. Wooldrige, H. J. Mackinder, L. D. Stamp
    2. S. W. Wooldrige, A. J. Herbertson, L. D. Stamp, H. J. Mackinder
    3. H. J. Mackinder, A. J. Herbertson, S. W. Wooldrige, L. D. Stamp
    4. L. D. Stamp, A. J. Herbertson, S. W. Wooldrige, H. J. Mackinder

    Option: C

  2. Consider the following Seas

    1. Red Sea
    2. Black Sea
    3. Dead Sea
    4. Baltic Sea

    The correct sequence of those seas in descending order of salinity is :

    1. (i), (ii), (iii), (iv)
    2. (ii), (i), (iv), (iii)
    3. (iv), (ii), (iii), (i)
    4. (iii), (i), (ii), (iv)

    Option: D

  3. When was Project Tiger, one of the most intensive conservation efforts, launched in India ?

    1. 1963
    2. 1967
    3. 1973
    4. 1977

    Option: C

  4. Who defined ‘Resource’ as ‘Resources are not they become’ :

    1. Van Thunen
    2. Zimmerman
    3. Hartshorne
    4. Semple

    Option: B

  5. Animal rearing on a commercial scale has developed well in :

    1. Monsoon Regions
    2. Savanna Regions
    3. Prairie and Steppe Regions
    4. Sahel Regions

    Option: C

  6. Which State is the largest producer of Wheat in India ?

    1. Haryana
    2. Punjab
    3. Uttar Pradesh
    4. Bihar

    Option: C

  7. Which one of the following is a Footloose Industry ?

    1. Cotton Textile
    2. Sugar
    3. Cement
    4. Handloom

    Option: A

  8. Isodopanes are associated with :

    1. Line of equal height
    2. Line of equal rainfall
    3. Line of unequality
    4. Line of equal transport cost

    Option: D

  9. Which one of the following is not associated with a Transport System ?

    1. Von-Thunen Theory
    2. Distance Decay Function
    3. Principle of Least Effort
    4. Central Place Theory

    Option: B

  10. Mongoloid race is predominantly found in :

    1. South Africa
    2. East Asia
    3. Western Europe
    4. East Africa

    Option: B

  11. Mongoloid race is predominantly found in :

    1. South Africa
    2. East Asia
    3. Western Europe
    4. East Africa

    Option: B

  12. Which one of the following is related to the Tribal Economy ?

    1. Footloose Industries
    2. Settled Cultivation
    3. Shifting Cultivation
    4. Industrial Economy

    Option: C

  13. Racial traits of Man are studied in :

    1. Palaeontology
    2. Hydrology
    3. Sociology
    4. Anthropology

    Option: D

  14. Who formulated the Heartland Theory ?

    1. H. J. Mackinder
    2. R. Hartshone
    3. Peter Hagget
    4. Herbertson

    Option: A

  15. A plant adapted to a wet environment is called :

    1. Hygrophyte
    2. Xerophyte
    3. Mesophyte
    4. Tropophyte

    Option: A

  16. Ecological succession normally leads to :

    1. Habitat
    2. Biome
    3. Climatic Frontier
    4. Climax

    Option: D

  17. The petro-dollar economy has highly influenced one of the following states more than others :

    1. Tamil Nadu
    2. Kerala
    3. Punjab
    4. Gujarat

    Option: D

  18. Population distribution in India at state level is best represented by :

    1. Dot Method
    2. Pie Diagrams
    3. Choropleth
    4. Isopleth

    Option: A

  19. Identify the major objective of using regression model in a data set :

    1. Causability between Dependent and Independent variables
    2. Association between Dependent and Independent variables
    3. Skewness in the data
    4. Dispersion in the data

    Option: B

  20. The rank of Indian Railway Network among the countries of the World is :

    1. First
    2. Second
    3. Third
    4. Fourth

    Option: D