Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

UGC NET December 2005 Paper II

  1. Plants behave as Xerophyte at one season and as hydrophyte at another is known as :

    1. Hetrotrophytes
    2. Tropophytes
    3. Omniphytes
    4. Tropomniphytes

    Option: B

  2. Atmospheric pressure at sea level :

    1. 103 gram/cm2
    2. 102 gram/cm2
    3. 101 gram/cm2
    4. 10 gram/cm2

    Option: A

  3. In open ocean the differences in height between high and low tide is :

    1. 1.0 meter
    2. 1. 2 meter
    3. 0. meter
    4. 2. meter

    Option: C

  4. “Egypt is the gift of the Nile” was stated by :

    1. Aristotle
    2. Seneca
    3. Herodotus
    4. Hypocratis

    Option: C

  5. Which one of the following is not a member of SAARC :

    1. Maldives
    2. Bhutan
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. Myanmar

    Option: D

  6. Bantus Tribe is found in :

    1. Southern Africa
    2. Eastern Africa
    3. Africa North of Sahara
    4. Western Africa

    Option: B

  7. Kirghiz Nomads are found in :

    1. Sahara Desert Region
    2. Cango Basin
    3. Central Asia
    4. Saudi Arabia

    Option: C

  8. Which one of the following is a renewable resources :

    1. Oil
    2. Land
    3. Coal
    4. Iron

    Option: B

  9. Indo-gangetic plain is fertile because it is covered by :

    1. Saline layer
    2. Volcanic debries
    3. Metamorphic rocks
    4. Transported alluvium

    Option: D

  10. Which one of the following is not a woody plant :

    1. liana
    2. herb
    3. shrub
    4. tree

    Option: A

  11. Which state has the highest length of irrigation canal system :

    1. U.P.
    2. Rajasthan
    3. Punjab
    4. Haryana

    Option: B

  12. Which of the following is a push factor for international migration :

    1. internal conflicts
    2. greater freedom
    3. higher wages abroad
    4. greater security

    Option: A

  13. Development of human resources is necessary mainly because people can :

    1. get higher wages
    2. migrate for better jobs
    3. adopt small family norms
    4. develop the natural resources

    Option: D

  14. Animal rearing on a commercial scale has developed well in :

    1. Monsoon Regions
    2. Savanna Region
    3. Sahel Region
    4. Prairie and Steppe Region

    Option: D

  15. Mongoloid race is predominantly found in :

    1. South Africa
    2. East Asia
    3. Western Europe
    4. East Africa

    Option: B

  16. Which one of the following coal fields has been identified to have a high potential of commercial exploitations of coal-bed methane gas ?

    1. Jharia
    2. Kanhan Valley
    3. Talcher
    4. Godavary Valley

    Option: C

  17. What type of central tendency measure would you use to depict the growth of population in a country ?

    1. Arithmatic mean
    2. Harmonic mean
    3. Geometric mean
    4. Median

    Option: C

  18. Where is the National Remote Sensing Agency (N.R.S.A) located.

    1. Delhi
    2. Kolkata
    3. Chennai
    4. Hyderabad

    Option: D

  19. Khasis are a ma or mongoloid tribe of :

    1. Manipur
    2. Assam
    3. Meghalaya
    4. Orissa

    Option: C

  20. Which one of the NE States has the lowest concentration of tribal population.

    1. Meghalaya
    2. Mizorom
    3. Assam
    4. Arunachal Pradesh

    Option: C