Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

SET 2013 Paper III

  1. Raunkiaer’s classification is related to –

    1. Plants
    2. Animals
    3. Fishes
    4. Birds

    Option: A

  2. ‘Fire box-develops due to –

    1. Vulcanism in the Mediterranean sea
    2. Release of enormous latent heat in the equatorial zone
    3. Vulcanism in the fuzi
    4. Chain vulcanism in the circum-pacific belt

    Option: B

  3. As compared to the temperature near Red sea bottom, temperature at the same depth in the Indian Ocean is –

    1. Very high
    2. Same
    3. Very low
    4. Slightly high

    Option: C

  4. Mismatch is –

    1. Corrosion - Underground water
    2. Corrasion - Winds
    3. Hydraulic action - River
    4. Deflation - Waves

    Option: D

  5. Match the following –

    List-I List-II
    (a) Heartland (i) Barrows
    (b) Lebensraum (ii) Sauer
    (c) Human ecology (iii) Mackinder
    (d) Cultural landscape (iv) Ratzel
    1. (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
    2. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
    3. (iii) (ii) (iv) (i)
    4. (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)

    Option: A

  6. Core-Peripheral model is ascribed to

    1. Francois
    2. John Friedmann
    3. Gottman
    4. Hagget

    Option: B

  7. Major importer of Chinese coal is

    1. Mongolia
    2. Indonesia
    3. Russia
    4. Japan

    Option: D

  8. The pattern of Chile’s transport network is –

    1. Radial
    2. Fan-shaped
    3. Longitudinal
    4. Latitudinal

    Option: D

  9. The one, which is not a component of a state, is –

    1. Population
    2. Technology
    3. Territory
    4. Sovereignty

    Option: B

  10. The most appropriate index for the study of food and dietary pattern is –

    1. Calorie intake
    2. Protein intake
    3. Food item intake
    4. Nutritional adequacy

    Option: D

  11. The projection being used in recent topographic maps by survey of India, is-

    1. Universal Transverse Mercator
    2. Polyconic
    3. International
    4. Sinusoidal

    Option: A

  12. In a normal distribution, its’ percentage covered by mean +3 standard deviation units is –

    1. 68.27
    2. 99.87
    3. 95.45
    4. 91.25

    Option: A

  13. Single objective planning is –

    1. Construction of highways
    2. Construction of freight corridors
    3. Containment of Thar desert
    4. Construction of dams

    Option: C

  14. The two rivers of India, flowing in the same rift valley, are –

    1. Chambal - Betwa
    2. Surma - Meghna
    3. Krishna - Godavari
    4. Narmada - Son

    Option: D

  15. Maximum number of new districts incorporated in the census of 2011 was in the state of –

    1. Jammu Kashmir
    2. Jharkhand
    3. Madhya Pradesh
    4. West Bengal

    Option: A

  16. Which of the following methods is commonly used to depict rural – urban distribution of population on a map ?

    1. Isopleth
    2. Choropleth
    3. Chorochromatic
    4. Dot

    Option: D

  17. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) refers to –

    1. Elevation of a location above mean sea level
    2. Elevation of a location above datum
    3. A raster of elevation values
    4. A cross-sectional topographic profile drawn with the help of a computer

    Option: C

  18. Assertion(A) : Land and water are antipodal to each other with few exceptions.Reason (R) : Continents have drifted westwards and equatorward.

    1. (A) is correct but (R) is false.
    2. (A) is false but (R) is correct.
    3. Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) does not explain (A)
    4. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) explains (A).

    Option: C

  19. In northern hemisphere, polar winds blow towards –

    1. South-west
    2. North-west
    3. South-east
    4. North-east

    Option: A

  20. The salt, having highest proportion in sea water, is –

    1. Sodium chloride
    2. Calcium sulphate
    3. Calcium carbonate
    4. Magnesium chloride

    Option: A