Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Nature of Geomorphology

  1. Who was the first geologist to observe cyclic nature of the earth’s history?

    1. Guethard
    2. James Hutton
    3. Targioni Tozetti
    4. Buffon

    Option: B

  2. Who gave the concept, ‘that topography is carved out and not built-up?’

    1. John Play-fair
    2. James Hutton
    3. Louis Agassiz
    4. Jean de Charpentier

    Option: B

  3. Who makes modifications in the Huttonian concept of uniformitarianism

    1. Charles Lyell
    2. Jean de Charpentier
    3. John Play-fair
    4. C.G. Greenwood

    Option: C

  4. Who wrote the book ‘Principles of Geology?’

    1. James Hutton
    2. Charles Lyell
    3. John Play-fair
    4. Buffon

    Option: B

  5. Who wrote the book ‘The Geological Evidences of the Antiquity of Man’ in 1863?

    1. C.A.M. King
    2. Louis Agassiz
    3. Guethard
    4. Charles Lyell

    Option: D

  6. Who wrote paper entitled ‘rain and rivers: or Hutton and Playfair against Lyell and all comers’ in 1857?

    1. C.G. Greenwood
    2. C.A.M. King
    3. Louis Agassiz
    4. Guethard

    Option: A

  7. Who is known as the father of modern subaerialism?

    1. James Hutton
    2. Charles Lyell
    3. John Play-fair
    4. C.G. Greenwood

    Option: D

  8. Which one of the following put forward the idea of the base-level of erosion before Powell in A m erica’

    1. A Penck
    2. C.G. Greenwood
    3. Charles Lyell
    4. James Geikie

    Option: B

  9. Who wrote the book ‘origin of Species?’

    1. Charles Lyell
    2. Charles Darwin
    3. A Penck
    4. Bruckner

    Option: B

  10. Which of the following schools made significant contributions for identification and recognition of ice ages?

    1. German
    2. French
    3. American
    4. European

    Option: D

  11. Who wrote the book ‘The Great Ice Age’ in 1894?

    1. Jam es Geikie
    2. Louis Agassiz
    3. Jean de Charpentier
    4. Venetz

    Option: B

  12. Choose the correct order (earliest to latest) of following four glacial periods during Pleistocene ice age

    1. Mindel, Riss, Wurm and Gunz
    2. Gunz, Mindel, Riss and Wurm
    3. Gunz, Riss, Mindel and Wurm
    4. Wurm, Riss, Mindel and Gunz

    Option: B

  13. Who divided rivers into two categories e.g. (i) transverse streams and (ii) longitudinal streams

    1. Jukes
    2. W.M. Davis
    3. A Penck
    4. Powell

    Option: A

  14. Which of the following schools made maximum contributions in the field of geomorphology?

    1. American
    2. European
    3. German
    4. Arabian

    Option: A

  15. Which of the following time span is considered as ‘golden age’ of world geomorphology

    1. 1875 to 1920
    2. 1775 to 1820
    3. 1675 to 1750
    4. 1920 to 1950

    Option: A

  16. The general theory of landscape development was propounded by which of the following scholars?

    1. W.M. Davis
    2. A Penck
    3. Powell
    4. Jukes

    Option: A

  17. J.W. Powell was a

    1. Major in American army
    2. Biologist
    3. Climatologist
    4. Lawyer

    Option: A

  18. Who proposed the term of base level?

    1. Louis Agassiz
    2. W.M. Davis
    3. A Penck
    4. J.W. Powell

    Option: D

  19. Who is considered as the first real geomorphologist of America because of his significant contributions in systematic and quantitative geomorphology?

    1. A Penck
    2. W.M. Davis
    3. G. K. Gilbert
    4. Jukes

    Option: C

  20. Who propound the concept of graded profile of a river?

    1. C. F. Dutton
    2. G. K. Gilbert
    3. W.M. Davis
    4. None of the above

    Option: B