The content of water in gaseous form in a parcel of air having definite volume and temperature at a particular time and place is called
Option: D
Which of the following is/are correct?
- The content of atmospheric vapour decreases upward
- Humidity decreases from the equator to poleward
Option: C
More than 90 per cent of the total atmospheric vapour is found up to the altitude of
Option: B
Which of the following is/are correct?
- Vapour is almost transparent for incoming shortwave solar radiation
- The vapour is less transparent for outgoing shortwave terrestrial radiation
Option: A
The vapour helps in heating the earth s surface and lower portion of the atmosphere because
Option: C
The process of transformation of liquid into gaseous form is called
Option: B
The amount and intensity of Evaporationdepend on
Option: D
Which of the following is/are correct?
- A stable airsaturates soon than the unstable air
- The maximum evaporation from land occurs between the latitude of 10° N and 10° S
- The maximum evaporation from oceans occurs between the latitude of 10° -20° in both the hemisphere
Option: D
The process of conversion of water vapor into liquid and solid form is called
Option: A
Which of following three elements makes up 90 percent of dry weight of organic matter in the biosphere
Option: A
Amount of heat that requires to change the state of the water from solid to liquid is called
Option: B
Amount of heat that requires to change the state of the water from solid to gaseous is called
Option: C
Amount of heat that requires to change the state of the water from liquid to gaseous is called
Option: C
Amount of heat that requires to change the state of the water from gaseous to liquid is called
Option: D
Latent heat is the amount of heat energy which required for the conversion of water into
Option: D
Horizontal transport of atmospheric moisture over the oceans and continents by atmospheric circulation is called
Option: A
The part of precipitation which falls directly into lakes, rivers and other water bodies is known as
Option: A
Which of the following is/are correct?
- Some portion of rainfall is intercepted by vegetation.
- Some portion of rainfall reaches the ground directly as throughfall.
- Some portion of rainfall is lost to the atmosphere through the evapo- transpiration from the vegetation.
Option: D
How much percent of the total moisture of the biosphere is available to the global hydrological cycle?
Option: C
Which of the following is/are correct?
- Humidity capacity refers to the capacity of a parcel of air to hold maximum amount of moisture content.
- Higher the temperature higher the moisture holding capacity of the air and vice versa.
- The air having moisture content equal to its humidity capacity is called saturated air.
Option: D