Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

HTET Year 2022

  1. ‘Transhumance’is doneby

    1. BhilTribe
    2. Toda Tribe
    3. Gujjar Tribe
    4. Gond Tribe

    Option: C

  2. Which among the following is the correct chronological order of geographers?

    1. Homer-Thels-Hecateus-Eratosthenes
    2. Thels-Homer-Hecateus-Eratosthenes
    3. Hecateus-Eratosthenes-Thels-Homer
    4. Homer-Thels-Eratosthenes-Hecateus

    Option: A

  3. As per Koppen’s climate classification the rain shadow area of the western ghats is represented by

    1. Bwhw
    2. BShw
    3. Aw
    4. Amw

    Option: B

  4. The altitude of a point from sea level shown on the map is called

    1. Layer Coloring
    2. Hachures
    3. Spot Height
    4. Bench Mark

    Option: C

  5. Kayaks are associated with

    1. Eskimo Tribe
    2. Pigmy Tribe
    3. Bushman Tribe
    4. Khirgies Tribe

    Option: A

  6. Which among the following is not correctly matched

    1. Scientific Determinism - Ratzel
    2. Possibilism - Le Pichan
    3. Stop and Go Determinism - Taylor
    4. Human Ecology - Barrows

    Option: B

  7. Which one of the following is not matched correctly Race People/Tribe

    1. Nagrito - Pigmies
    2. Mongoloid - Eskimo
    3. Mediterranean - Khirgies
    4. Nordics - North European

    Option: C

  8. Which of the following is not matched correctly?United Nations Climate Change Conference Place

    1. COP 25 - Madrid
    2. COP 24 - Katowice
    3. COP 23 - Bonn
    4. COP 26 - Paris

    Option: D

  9. The scale of a map is 5 inces = miles. If we reduce to in half ratio, then what will be the new R.F. (Representative Fraction)

    1. 1: 253474
    2. 5" = 2 Mile
    3. 4.441666667
    4. 1: 12672

    Option: D

  10. Which one of the following is an example of Pedalfer Soil?

    1. Laterite
    2. Black
    3. Alluvial
    4. Randzina

    Option: A

  11. How many links does a Gunter’s chain have to

    1. 66
    2. 10
    3. 100
    4. 33

    Option: C

  12. As per census 0f 2011, which pair of the following states/Union Territories have maximum percentage of Scheduled Tribe in India

    1. Meghalaya and Lakshyadeep
    2. Mizoram and Lakshyadeep
    3. Nagaland and Lakshyadeep
    4. Mizoram and Nagaland

    Option: B

  13. The Book ‘Territorial Growth of the state’ was written by

    1. Semple
    2. Huntington
    3. Ratzel
    4. Davis

    Option: C

  14. Deccan Trap is formed through

    1. Granite
    2. Sandstone
    3. Gneiss
    4. Besalt

    Option: D

  15. The relation between human activities and agricultural/climatic factors in a seasonal year could be shown through

    1. Triangular Diagramme
    2. Cartogram
    3. Ergograph
    4. Hythergraph

    Option: C

  16. Which one of the following is not matched correctly?Producing areaOre

    1. Chuquicamata - Copper Iron
    2. Krivoy Rog - Iron
    3. Orinoco Basin - Petrolium
    4. Magnitogorsk - Cromium

    Option: D

  17. The concept of “rural urban continuum” was given by :

    1. Dickinson
    2. Murphy
    3. Robert Redfield
    4. Scott

    Option: C

  18. As per ‘India State Forest Report 2021 which state of India has the highest percentage of forest cover to its geographical area?

    1. Arunachal Pradesh
    2. Mizoram
    3. Sikkim
    4. Manipur

    Option: B

  19. Which one of the following Oil Refineries of India is not a Raw Material Based (located) Refinery?

    1. Numaligarh
    2. Noonmati
    3. Haldia
    4. Koyali

    Option: C

  20. If the time in Cairo (30° E Longitude) on Sunday is 12 Noon and in Newyork the time is 5 A. M. The longitude ofNewyork is:

    1. 20° W
    2. 75° W
    3. 60° W
    4. 105° E

    Option: B