Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

HTET Year 2021

  1. Which of the following is not a mathematical method of relief representation?

    1. Hachure System
    2. Bench Mark
    3. Form Lines
    4. Contours

    Option: A

  2. In which part of Himalayas ‘Doons’ and “Dwars’ are found?

    1. Shiwalik Ranges
    2. Trans Himalayas
    3. Greater Himalayas
    4. Middle Himalayas

    Option: A

  3. Match the following List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

    List-I Scholar Name List-II No. of planning Regions in India
    (a)V. Nath (i)13
    (b) Bhatt and Rao (ii)7 Macro and 42 Meso
    (c)P. Sengupta (iii) 7 Major and 51 Minor
    (d)C.S. Chandrashekhar (iv)15
    1. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
    2. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
    3. (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
    4. (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)

    Option: A

  4. What type of climate is found in Malabar Coast?

    1. Tropical Semi-arid
    2. Tropical Wet
    3. Temperate Wet
    4. Temperate Semi-arid

    Option: B

  5. Which of the following statements are true about surveying instruments? Select the correct answer from the codes given below:

    1. Indian Clinometer is used for measuring the height of relatively for distant objects
    2. Trough Compass is also used for plane table orientation
    3. Prismatic Compass is used for reading fore and back bearing
    1. a, b and c
    2. a and b
    3. a and c
    4. b and c

    Option: A

  6. The Mumbai – Kolkata Rail Route is passing through which pass of western ghats?

    1. Bhorghat
    2. Thalghat
    3. Palghat
    4. Senkota

    Option: B

  7. Match the following List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

    List-I Industry List-II Location
    (a) Iron and Industry Steel (i) Renukut
    (b) Aluminium Smelting Industry (ii) Gurgaon
    (c) Copper Smelting Industry (iii) Shimoga
    (d) Automobile Industry (iv) Khetri
    1. (iii) (i) (iv) (ii)
    2. (i) (iii) (iv) (ii)
    3. (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
    4. (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)

    Option: A

  8. Match the following List-I with List-II and select the correct answer from the codes given below:

    List-I Weather Instrument List-II Weather Phenomenon
    Wet and Dry Bulb Thermometer Daily Range of Temperature
    Six’s Maximum and Minimum Thermometer Wind Direction
    Wind Wane Relative Humidity
    Rain Gauge Amount of Rainfall
    1. i iii ii iv
    2. iii i iv ii
    3. iii ii i iv
    4. iii i ii iv

    Option: D

  9. Which of the following is not an equal area projection?

    1. Bonne's Projection
    2. Mollweide's Projection
    3. Mercator's Projection
    4. Sinusoidal Projection

    Option: C

  10. Give the correct sequence of the following maps from small to large scale :

    1. Cadastral Maps
    2. Topographical Maps
    3. Wall Maps
    4. Atlas Maps
    1. a, b, c, d
    2. a, b, d, c
    3. d, c, a, b
    4. d, c, b, a

    Option: D

  11. Which of the following statement is not correct?

    1. Easterly Jet stream is found only in winter season.
    2. I. T. C. Z. (Inter Tropical Convergence Zone) shows maximum northern shift in the month of june.
    3. Monsoon winds show seasonal reversal pattern.
    4. Western ghats receive rain primarily from Arabian branch of Indian Monsoon.

    Option: A

  12. Which of the following is a unit free scale ?

    1. Statement scale
    2. Representative fraction
    3. Graphical scale
    4. Vernier scale

    Option: B

  13. Singapore local time is determined from 120° E longitude. If current local time at Singapore is 9: 15 A.M. then what will be the local time at Delhi at that time?

    1. 6:45 P.M.
    2. 11:45 P.M.
    3. 11:45 A.M.
    4. 6:45 A.M.

    Option: D

  14. Which of the following are included in Spatial Information Technology for data collection, management and analysis?

    1. Aerial Photo
    2. Satellite Remote Sensing Imagery
    3. Global Positioning System (GPS)
    4. Geographical Information System
    1. a, b, c and d
    2. b, c and d
    3. a, b and d
    4. a, b and c

    Option: A

  15. Which of the following are two dimensional diagrams ? Select the correct answer from codes given below:

    1. Bar Diagram
    2. Pyramid Diagram
    3. Pie Diagram
    4. Rectangular Diagram
    5. Unit Squares Diagram
    6. Spherical Diagram
    1. b, c, d and e
    2. c, d and e
    3. b, d and e
    4. d, e and f

    Option: B

  16. What will be the smallest division of a diagonal scale if its one primary division is of 10 m and it is further divided in 10 secondary divisions and 10 diagonal divisions ?

    1. 5 cm
    2. 1 cm
    3. 10 cm
    4. 100 cm

    Option: C

  17. Which of the following character is not shown on topographical sheets/ maps ?

    1. Relief
    2. Drainage System
    3. Rainfall
    4. Human Settlements

    Option: C

  18. Which one the following statement not correct about Green Revolution in India

    1. The use of H.Y.V. seeds increased
    2. The regional imbalances are reduced
    3. The food grain production increased
    4. Expansion of irrigation facilities took palace

    Option: B

  19. The soil erosion problem India is

    1. Excessive Mechanization Agriculture
    2. Winter rainfall (Mawath)
    3. Excessive deforestation
    4. Overgrazing
    1. a, b and c
    2. b, c and d
    3. b and d
    4. c and d

    Option: D

  20. The National Remote Sensing Centre located :

    1. Dehradun
    2. Jaipur
    3. Delhi
    4. Hyderabad

    Option: D