Fri. Mar 7th, 2025

HTET Year 2019

  1. ‘Bugyals’ are :

    1. Nomadic groups of Kashmir Himalayas
    2. Summer Grasslands
    3. Glacial lakes of Uttarakhand
    4. Meanders formed by river Jhelum

    Option: B

  2. The local names panna, para, palli, nagla refer to which type of settlements in India ?

    1. Semi-clustered
    2. Hamleted
    3. Dispersed
    4. Clustered

    Option: B

  3. According to Census 2011 (PCA Final Data) the rural and urban population percentage in India is :

    1. 67.15% 35.31%
    2. 68.58% 31.51%
    3. 68.85% 31.15%
    4. 65.17% 35.11%

    Option: C

  4. Which of the following statement regarding, prismatic compass survey is correct ?

    1. The magnetic needle moves with the wooden box.
    2. Sight vane does not move with the box.
    3. The magnetic needle and graduated circle do not move with the box.
    4. The graduated circle is fixed and the magnetic needle always remain in N-S direction.

    Option: C

  5. Consider the following statements and Choose the correct options :

    1. Sun synchronous satellites are useful for Earth Resource applications
    2. Geostationary satellites are useful for Telecommunications and Weather monitoring
    1. Both (a) and (b) are wrong.
    2. Only (a) is correct.
    3. Only (b) is correct.
    4. Both (a) and (b) are correct.

    Option: D

  6. Match List  I with List  II and select the correct answer from the codes given below :

    List I (Railway Zones) List II (Headquarters)
    (a) Central (i) Maligaon (Guwahati)
    (b) East Central (ii) Allahabad
    (c) North Central (iii) Hajipur
    (d) North East Frontier (iv) Mumbai
    1. (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)
    2. (iii) (iv) (i) (ii)
    3. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
    4. (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

    Option: D

  7. With reference to International Date Line, consider the following statements :

    1. A person crossing it from east to west gains a day
    2. It is an imaginary straight line drawn at 180° meridian

    Choose the correct answer :

    1. Only (a)
    2. Only (b)
    3. Both (a) & (b)
    4. Neither (a) nor (b)

    Option: A

  8. The length of Gunter’s chain, used for chain and tape surveying, is :

    1. 86 Feet
    2. 68 Feet
    3. 36 Feet
    4. 66 Feet

    Option: D

  9. If the source of light is on opposite end of diameter, the resultant projection will be :

    1. Gnomonic
    2. Stereographic
    3. Orthomorphic
    4. Orthographic

    Option: B

  10. Compute the scale of an aerial photograph when the flying height of an aircraft is 7500 m and the focal length of the camera is 15 cm :

    1. 1 : 15,000
    2. 1 : 50,000
    3. 1 : 25,000
    4. 1 : 30,000

    Option: B

  11. The transfer of heat through horizontal movement of air is called :

    1. Convection
    2. Diffusion
    3. Albedo
    4. Advection

    Option: D

  12. In ocean water, the layer characterized by rapid decrease in temperature with increasing depth is known as :

    1. Pycnocline
    2. Thermocline
    3. Isohaline
    4. Drift

    Option: B

  13. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Von Thunen’s Model’ :

    1. Locational rent shows a distance  decay relationship
    2. Farmers are economic men, aiming at profit maximization
    3. There are numerous market centres around the Isolate State

    Choose the correct answer :

    1. only (a)
    2. (a) and (c)
    3. (a), (b) and (c)
    4. (a) and (b)

    Option: D

  14. Which is the incorrect pair ?

    1. Gaseous hypothesis Kant
    2. Planetesimal hypothesis Chamberlin & Moulton
    3. Nebular hypothesis Laplace
    4. Meteor hypothesis Buffon

    Option: D

  15. The three principles/restrictions for industrial location developed by Rawstron are :

    1. Physical, Economic and Technical
    2. Physical, Economic and Social
    3. Physical, Economic and Political
    4. Physical, Economic and Human

    Option: A

  16. The new trend in quarternary services, KPO stands for :

    1. Knowledge Professional Outsourcing
    2. Knowledge Professional Output
    3. Knowledge Process Output
    4. Knowledge Process Outsourcing

    Option: D

  17. Consider the following statements regarding ‘Demographic Transition Theory’ :

    1. Decline in mortality comes before decline in fertility
    2. Fertility eventually declines to match mortality
    3. The slow growth of population in first stage is a result of high fertility and high mortality

    Choose the correct answer :

    1. (a), (b) and (c)
    2. (a) and (c)
    3. (b) and (c)
    4. only (c)

    Option: A

  18. Choose the correct option :

    1. The longest span on the geological scale is epoch.
    2. The longest span on the geological scale is era.
    3. Periods are divided into eras.
    4. Epochs are further divided into periods.

    Option: B

  19. As per the latest Human Development Index Report 2018, out of 189 countries, India has been ranked at :

    1. 129
    2. 130
    3. 131
    4. 132

    Option: B

  20. Soo canal connects :

    1. Lake Superior Lake Michigan
    2. Lake Superior Lake Huron
    3. Lake Huron Lake Erie
    4. Lake Superior Lake Ontario

    Option: B