Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

HTET Year 2018

  1. Which instrument is used for measurement of area in maps ?

    1. Planimeter
    2. Opisometer
    3. Pantograph
    4. Eidograph

    Option: A

  2. Which one of the following meteorological condition is not shown in Indian daily weather map ?

    1. Isotherms
    2. Isobars
    3. Sky condition
    4. Wind direction

    Option: A

  3. ‘Nuee-ardente’ is a characteristic feature of :

    1. Mt. Pelee volcano
    2. Kilaue volcano
    3. Fujiyama volcano
    4. Mauna Kea volcano

    Option: A

  4. Which of the following landform of India is an example of ‘escarpment’ ?

    1. Western Ghat
    2. Satpura
    3. Aravalli
    4. Deccan Plateau

    Option: A

  5. Which one of the following statements is not correct about distributional maps ?

    1. Choroschematic method is also known as symbol method.
    2. Chorochromatic maps are also known as colour-patch maps.
    3. Density of population can be shown by choropleth method.
    4. Isopleths are lines of unequal value.

    Option: D

  6. Which one of the following is the most suitable projection for an ideal map of ‘Chile’ ?

    1. Conical projection with one- standard parallel
    2. Bonne's projection
    3. Conical projection with two- standard parallel
    4. Lambert's projection

    Option: A

  7. In the following methods of relief depiction, which one is not a quantitative method ?

    1. Spot height
    2. Bench Mark
    3. Hachure
    4. Contours

    Option: C