Global Warming and Change in Atmospheric Chemistry
Which regions have shown early melting of winter snow as a result of global warming?
Option: C
By how many days has the spring season begun earlier due to the early melting of winter snow in certain regions?
Option: A
What does the flowering of mango trees in Uttar Pradesh, India in December 2004 indicate?
Option: A
What denotes warming of the earth’s surface and its atmosphere between 1970 and 2000 ?
Option: B
Why do some scientists argue that temperature data are deceptive and confusing?
Option: C
What is the projected CO2 concentration for the year 2100 according to the IPCC?
Option: C
What is the projected global mean temperature change from the year 1990 for the CO2 concentration range of 445-640ppmv?
Option: B
What is the projected global mean sea level rise from the year 1990 for the CO2 concentration range of 445-640ppmv?
Option: B
Which of the following statements is true about Andean glaciers in Peru?
Option: C
What is the percentage of ice volume lost by the glaciers of Chinese Tien Shan Mountains since 1960?
Option: B
What did the study of 19 glaciers of the Baspa basin of Himachal Pradesh reveal?
Option: C
The estimated year when the glaciers in the Baspa basin of Himachal Pradesh would disappear if the current rate of retreat continues is
Option: C
The latest finding of the SAC studies on the continuous melting and retreat of glaciers in Himachal Pradesh is
Option: B
What is the rate of lowering of the height of Mt. Everest from 1992 to 1999?
Option: B
Which of the following diseases is not indicative of global warming?
Option: D
Why do insects, bacteria, and viruses of tropical and subtropical diseases flourish in extreme weather conditions?
Option: D
What caused the rise in sea level by 10-25 centimeters in the later half of the 20th century?
Option: B
If the current rate of increase of sea temperature continues until the end of the present century, what is the estimated increase in sea level by 2100?
Option: B
What is the process of global warming that is caused by the increase in emission of carbon dioxide and methane?
Option: B
What is the significance of the stratospheric ozone layer?
Option: A