Fri. Feb 21st, 2025

General Atmospheric Circulation

  1. Which of the following is not a temporal component of atmospheric circulation

    1. Primary circulation or long-term circulation
    2. Seasonal circulation
    3. Diurnal circulation
    4. General circulation

    Option: D

  2. Considering the spatial dimension and genesis atmospheric circulation is generally classified into

    1. Primary circulation
    2. Secondary circulation
    3. Tertiary circulation
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  3. Which of the following is not included in primary atmospheric circulation

    1. Trade winds
    2. Jet stream circulation
    3. Walker circulation
    4. Cyclones

    Option: D

  4. Match following lists and give the correct answer from given the codes:

    List – I List – II
    (a) Primary circulation (i) Anticyclones
    (b) Secondary circulation (ii) Harmattan
    (c) Tertiary circulation (iii) Southern oscillation
    (d) Diurnal circulation (iv) Valley breezes
    1. (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
    2. (iii) (iv) (ii) (i)
    3. (iv) (i) (ii) (iii)
    4. (ii) (iii) (iv) (i)

    Option: A

  5. Which of the following is not included in secondary atmospheric circulation

    1. Monsoons
    2. Airmasses
    3. Southern oscillation
    4. Cyclones

    Option: C

  6. Which of the following is not included in tertiary atmospheric circulation

    1. Monsoons
    2. See breeze
    3. Sirocco
    4. Chinook

    Option: A

  7. Which of the following atmospheric circulations involves the wind patterns over the entire globe

    1. Secondary circulation
    2. Tertiary circulation
    3. Diurnal circulation
    4. General circulation

    Option: D

  8. Read the significance of general or primary circulation carefully

    1. General circulation transports heat from the surplus heat areas to deficit heat areas
    2. General atmospheric circulation transports moisture from the oceans to the continents
    3. It helps in the formation of clouds and precipitation mechanism
    4. General circulation helps in maintaining hydrological cycle at global scale

    Select the correct statements from the codes given below:

    1. Only 1
    2. Only 1 and 2
    3. Only 2 and 4
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  9. Which of the following statements is not correct

    1. Rotational velocity of earth is not equal at all places or locations
    2. Rotational velocity of earth is highest at the equator (465 m/s)
    3. Rotational velocity of earth become zero at poles
    4. Rotational velocity of earth is highest at the poles

    Option: D

  10. Who modified the traditional model of horizontal transport of heat and angular momentum in 1920s

    1. V.P. Starr and R.M. White
    2. A. Defant and H. Jeffreys
    3. R G Barry and R J Chorley
    4. V. Bjerknes and J. Bjerknes

    Option: B

  11. Who suggested three interlocking cells of circulation to explain the wind systems of the whole globe.

    1. R.M. White
    2. Ferrel
    3. Hadley
    4. V.P. Starr

    Option: B

  12. Ferrel cell operates between the latitudes of

    1. 60° and 90° in both the hemisphere
    2. 30° and 60° in both the hemisphere
    3. The equator and 30° in both the hemisphere
    4. 40° and 60° in both the hemisphere

    Option: B

  13. Hadley cell lies between the latitudes of

    1. 30° and 60° in both the hemisphere
    2. 60° and 90° in both the hemisphere
    3. The equator and 30° in both the hemisphere
    4. 40° and 60° in both the hemisphere

    Option: C

  14. Polar cell operates between the latitudes of

    1. 60° and 90° in both the hemisphere
    2. 80° and 90° in both the hemisphere
    3. 70° and 90° in both the hemisphere
    4. 60° and 80° in both the hemisphere

    Option: A

  15. Which of the following cells is also known as thermally indirect cell

    1. Hadley cell
    2. Ferrel cell
    3. Polar cell
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  16. Which one of the following statements is not correct

    1. The atmosphere also rotates with the earth from west to east
    2. The wave theory model is based on the concept of transfer of heat energy and angular momentum
    3. The atmosphere does not rotate with the earth
    4. Global computer models are basically tools for weather forecasting on the basis of simulation of real weather phenomena

    Option: C

  17. Which one of the following statements about tropical wind circulation is not correct

    1. It extends between equator and 25°- 30° latitudes in both the hemispheres
    2. The pressure gradient is oriented towards the tropics
    3. This circulation zone is characterized by north-east (in the northern hemisphere) and south-east (in the southern hemisphere) trade winds
    4. The middle portion of this zone is popularly known as equatorial low-pressure belt

    Option: B

  18. The tropical zone is characterized by

    1. Doldrum
    2. Equatorial westerlies
    3. Trade winds
    4. Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone

    Select the correct code from given below:

    1. Only 1 and 4
    2. Only 1, 2 and 3
    3. Only 1, 3 and 4
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  19. Which one of the following statements about Doldrum is not correct

    1. It is a belt of low pressure
    2. It extends along the equator within a zone of 5°N and 5°S latitudes
    3. This belt is also called as the belt of calm
    4. It is a belt of high pressure

    Option: C

  20. Who identified 3 zones of doldrums

    1. R.M. White
    2. Ferrel
    3. Crowe
    4. Flohn

    Option: C