Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Fundamental Concepts in Geomorphology

  1. When was ‘the principle of uniformitarianism’ given?

    1. In 1785
    2. In 1830
    3. In 1790
    4. In 1795

    Option: A

  2. Who modified the concept of uniformitarianism?

    1. Charles Lyell
    2. Jhon Playfair
    3. W.M. Davis
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  3. Which one of the following scholars popularized the concept of uniformitarianism?

    1. Jhon Playfair
    2. Charles Lyell
    3. J.T. Hack
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  4. Who wrote the book ‘principles of geology’

    1. Jhon Playfair
    2. Charles Lyell
    3. James Hutton
    4. W.M. Davis

    Option: B

  5. Who was the first person to use term uniformitarianism?

    1. William Whewell
    2. W.M. Davis
    3. James Hutton
    4. Jhon Playfair

    Option: A

  6. During which period, the Great Britain, was characterized by hot and humid equatorial climate?

    1. Carboniferous
    2. Divinian
    3. Silurian
    4. jurassic

    Option: A

  7. Who postulated ‘the principle of uniformitarianism? ‘

    1. Jhon Playfair
    2. Charles Lyell
    3. James Hutton
    4. W.M. Davis

    Option: C

  8. Who said ‘the present is key to the past’?

    1. Buffon
    2. Targioni Tozetti
    3. W.M. Davis
    4. James Hutton

    Option: D

  9. Who said ‘no vestige of a beginning and no prospect of an end?’

    1. Buffon
    2. Targioni Tozetti
    3. W.M. Davis
    4. James Hutton

    Option: D

  10. Which one of the following statements is/are true

    1. The same physical processes and laws that operate today, operated throughout geological time
    2. Geological processes were active with same intensity during each period of geological time
    1. Only A
    2. Only B
    3. Neither A nor B
    4. Both A and B

    Option: A

  11. During which period vulcanicity was more active than today

    1. Carboniferous
    2. Cretaceous
    3. Devonian
    4. Silurian

    Option: B

  12. Arrange following mountain building periods in correct order from earliest to latest

    1. Pre-Cambrian, Caledonian, Tertiary and Variscan(hercynian)
    2. Pre-Cambrian, Caledonian, Variscan(hercynian) and Tertiary
    3. Variscan(hercynian), Tertiary, Caledonian and Pre-Cambrian
    4. Pre-Cambrian, Tertiary, Caledonian and Variscan(hercynian)

    Option: B

  13. Who was the first scientist to postulated the concept of cyclic nature of earth’s history?

    1. Charles Lyell
    2. Jhon Playfair
    3. James Hutton
    4. W.M. Davis

    Option: C

  14. Arrange following peneplain according to their formation (from earliest to latest) in correct order

    1. Schooley peneplain, Shenondoah peneplain, Harrisberg peneplain
    2. Shenondoah peneplain, Harrisberg peneplain, Schooley peneplain
    3. Harrisberg peneplain, Shenondoah peneplain, Schooley peneplain
    4. Schooley peneplain, Harrisberg peneplain, Shenondoah peneplain

    Option: A

  15. Lithology or Nature of Rocks includes

    1. Types of rocks
    2. Arrangement of rocks
    3. Both A and B
    4. Only A

    Option: D

  16. Which of the following features forms due the differential erosion of the basaltic rock which is characterized by almost flat and regular top-surface but by very steep slopes from all sides?

    1. Mesa
    2. Plateau
    3. Tors
    4. Hogback

    Option: A

  17. The small size Mesa is known as

    1. Tors
    2. Buttes
    3. Hogback
    4. Sill

    Option: B

  18. Messas on the Chotanagpur plateau of south Bihar are locally called as

    1. Pats
    2. Patland
    3. Both A and B
    4. Neither A and nor B

    Option: C

  19. Shiprock of New Mexico (USA) is an example of

    1. Tors
    2. Buttes
    3. Plateau
    4. Diatreme

    Option: D

  20. A pile of broken and exposed masses of hard rocks particularly granites having a crown of rock blocks of different sizes on the top and clitters (trains of blocks) on the sides is known as

    1. Mesa
    2. Butte
    3. Tor
    4. Hogback

    Option: C