What is the difference between the Greater Himalayas and the Outer Himalayas?
The Greater Himalayas are taller than the Outer Himalayas
The Greater Himalayas are closer to the center of the Himalayan range than the Outer Himalayas
The Greater Himalayas are more folded and faulted than the Outer Himalayas
The Greater Himalayas are older than the Outer Himalayas
Option: C
What is the view of a group of geologists regarding the antecedence of the Indus river?
They believe that the Indus river is an example of an antecedent stream
They believe that the Indus river is an example of a consequent stream
They believe that the Indus river is a tributary of the Ganges
They do not have any opinion on the antecedence of the Indus river
Option: B
According to L.R. Wager, which river is the best example of an antecedent river?
Option: D
Which rivers are antecedent to only the Lesser and the Outer Himalayas?
Jhelum, Yamuna, Ravi, Ramganga
Kamla, Rapti, Gola
Arun, Kamla, Rapti
None of the above
Option: A
What is a superimposed drainage system?
A drainage system that develops on a different geological formation than the one it flows on
A drainage system that flows across the Himalayas
A drainage system that flows parallel to the geological structure of the region
A drainage system that flows on a flat ground surface
Option: A
How do superimposed streams develop their valleys?
By lateral erosion
By vertical erosion
By meandering
By deposition
Option: B
What is the reason for the development of the river valley?
The anticline degrades the river through upwarping.
The anticline degrades the river through downcutting.
The anticline controls the development of the river valley.
The anticline has no effect on the development of the river valley.
Option: B
What is the difference between a superimposed and an antecedent drainage system?
Superimposed drainage systems represent the maintenance of the former course of the river, while antecedent drainage systems represent the superimposition of the valley on the lower structure.
Superimposed drainage systems represent the superimposition of the valley on the lower structure, while antecedent drainage systems represent the maintenance of the former course of the river.
Superimposed drainage systems can develop regardless of any upliftment of the land area, while antecedent drainage systems require upliftment of the land are
Superimposed drainage systems are more complex than antecedent drainage systems.
Option: B
Why are most rivers in the Deccan trap region of Peninsular India superimposed?
Because new drainage systems were evolved on the new surface formed due to cooling and solidification of lavas erupted during the Cretaceous and early Tertiary periods.
Because the region experienced significant upliftment of the land are
Because the region is composed of highly resistant rocks that are difficult to erode.
Because the region is located in a high precipitation zone that promotes the development of superimposed drainage systems.
Option: A
Why is the Son river not considered an antecedent river?
Because the Khainjua ridges are composed of lower Vindhyanas which were folded and warped before the deposition of the upper Vindhyan sedim entries’.
Because there are no evidences to support any localized rise in the ridges after Cambrian perio
Because the evidence of laterites to the north of Kaimur scarps denotes the spread of basaltic lava of the Deccan trapean age of Cretaceous period which might have buried and obliterated previous draiange lines.
All of the above.
Option: D
What is the meaning of drainage pattern?
The arrangement of streams in a particular locality or region
The amount of water flow in a particular stream
The structure of rocks in a particular region
The direction of wind flow in a particular region
Option: A
What are the factors that determine the location, number, and flow direction of different streams in a region?