Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Continents and Oceans

  1. Who postulated the concept of ‘horizontal displacement of continents’ and when was it published?

    1. Holmes,1858
    2. F. Taylor,1910
    3. Antonio Snider,1908
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  2. What was the main purpose of F. Taylor’s hypothesis?

    1. To explain the distributional pattern of Tertiary folded mountains
    2. To explain the similarity of the fossils of the coal seams of Carboniferous period in North America and Europe
    3. To explain the mode of drift of the continents
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  3. What was the driving force behind the continental drift according to F. Taylor?

    1. Tidal force of the moon
    2. External forces
    3. Centrifugal force
    4. None of the above

    Option: A

  4. How were the Himalayas, Caucasus and Alps formed according to F. Taylor’s hypothesis?

    1. During westward movement of Lauratia and Gondwanaland
    2. During equatorward movement of Lauratia and Gondwanaland
    3. During both westward and equatorward movement of Lauratia and Gondwanaland
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  5. What is the main criticism of F. Taylor’s hypothesis?

    1. The displacement of landmasses was too small
    2. The mode of drift was erroneous
    3. The concept of continental drift is not acceptable
    4. None of the above

    Option: B

  6. Which theory did F. Taylor reject while propounding his ‘drift or displacement theory’?

    1. Contraction theory
    2. Plate tectonics theory
    3. Seafloor spreading theory
    4. Continental crust theory

    Option: A

  7. Which of the following concepts/theories was the first attempt in the field of continental drift?

    1. The concept of F. Taylor
    2. The concept of Antonio Snider
    3. The plate tectonics theory
    4. The seafloor spreading theory

    Option: B

  8. What was the criticism of F. Taylor’s hypothesis?

    1. The displacement of landmasses for thousands of kilometers was not necessary
    2. The mode of drift as suggested by Taylor was erroneous
    3. Tidal force of the moon could not drift the continents apart
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  9. What did F. Taylor’s hypothesis show a new direction to solve?

    1. The problem of the permanency of the continents and ocean basins
    2. The formation of ocean basins
    3. The problem of the origin of the continents and ocean basins
    4. The distributional pattern of Tertiary folded mountains

    Option: C

  10. What did Holmes say about F. Taylor’s hypothesis?

    1. It was acceptable and accurate
    2. It was not acceptable but Taylor must be given credit for making an independent and slightly earlier start in this precarious field
    3. It was completely wrong and had no significance
    4. It was based on seafloor spreading theory

    Option: B

  11. What was Professor Alfred Wegener’s primary profession?

    1. Geologist
    2. Meteorologist
    3. Palaeontologist
    4. Geophysicist

    Option: B

  12. When did Wegener publish his book ‘Die Entstehung der Kontinente and Ozeane’ in English?

    1. 1912
    2. 1922
    3. 1924
    4. 1932

    Option: C

  13. Which scientists contributed to Wegener’s displacement hypothesis?

    1. Geologists
    2. Palaeo-climatologists
    3. Palaeontologists
    4. All of the above

    Option: D

  14. What was the main problem before Wegener that needed explanation?

    1. Ocean currents
    2. Volcanic activity
    3. Climatic changes
    4. Earthquakes

    Option: C

  15. According to Wegener’s theory, how can the climatic changes that have occurred on the globe be explained?

    1. The continents remained stationary at their places throughout the geological history of the earth.
    2. The climatic zones remained stationary.
    3. The landmasses might have been displaced and drifte
    4. None of the above.

    Option: C

  16. What was the main objective of Wegener’s displacement hypothesis?

    1. To explain the continental drift theory.
    2. To explain the major variations of climate in the past.
    3. To explain the formation of ocean basins.
    4. To explain the formation of mountain ranges.

    Option: B

  17. What did Wegener name the supercontinent that all the landmasses were united together in?

    1. Pangolin
    2. Pangaea
    3. Laurasia
    4. Gondwanaland

    Option: B

  18. Which part of the Pangaea consisted of present North America, Europe and Asia?

    1. Gondwanaland
    2. Panthalasa
    3. Laurasia
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  19. Which layer of the earth did Wegener consider to be limited to the continental masses alone?

    1. Outer layer of sial
    2. Intermediate layer of sima
    3. Lower layer of nife
    4. All of the above

    Option: A

  20. What happened to the Pangaea during subsequent periods according to Wegener’s theory?

    1. It remained intact.
    2. It was disrupted and broken landmasses drifted away from each other.
    3. It sank into the ocean.
    4. None of the above.

    Option: B