Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Class XII Question Paper Term I

  1. Match the Column I with Column II and choose the correct option:

    Column I Column II
    i. Medieval town A. Modinagar
    ii. Mining town B. Varanasi
    iii. Industrial town C. Jaipur
    iv. Ancient town D. Raniganj
    1. A B C D
    2. B A D C
    3. C D A B
    4. D C B A

    Option: C

  2. Which one of the following countries has the highest immigration by the last residence in India?

    1. SriLanka
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Pakistan
    4. Nepal

    Option: B

  3. Study the following statements I and II and choose the correct option

    I. The decades 1951-1981 are referred to as the period of population explosion in India.

    II. During this period a rapid fall in the mortality rate and high fertility rate in the country.

    1. OnlyI iscorrect
    2. OnlyIIiscorrect
    3. IandIIbotharewrong
    4. IandIIbotharecorrect,IIcorrectly explaintheI

    Option: D

  4. Which of the following pair is correct?

    1. MediterraneanAgriculture-Productionofcitrusfruits
    2. MixedFarming-Paddydominatedcultivation
    3. PrimitiveSubsistenceAgriculture-Mechanizedgrainfarming
    4. IntensiveSubsistence Agriculture- Jhumingfarming

    Option: A

  5. Choose the in correct statement regarding commercial live stock rearing

    1. CommerciallivestockrearingisassociatedwithWesternculture
    2. Parcels arefenced toregulatethegrazing
    3. Movefromoneplacetoanotherdependingontheamountof pastures
    4. When the grassofoneparcelisgrazedanimalsaremovedtoanother parcel

    Option: C

  6. Which one of the following is related to ‘Kolkhoz’?

    1. Co-operativefarming
    2. Collectivefarming
    3. Truckfarming
    4. Garden farming

    Option: B

  7. Which one of the following continents has the highest population growth rate?

    1. Asia
    2. Europe
    3. Africa
    4. SouthAmerica

    Option: C

  8. Which of the following formula is correct to know the actual growth of population ?

    1. Birth+Death-inmigration+outmigration
    2. Birth+Death+ inmigration-out migration
    3. Birth- Death-inmigration+ outmigration
    4. Birth-Death+inmigration- outmigration

    Option: D

  9. Which one of the following countries has officially proclaimed the Gross National Happiness (GNH) as the measure of the county’s progress ?

    1. Nepal
    2. Bhutan
    3. Vietnam
    4. Japan

    Option: B

  10. Which one of the following is the feature of plantation agriculture’?

    1. Itisasinglecropspecialization
    2. Itismulticropspecialization
    3. Itanexampleofsubsistenceagriculture
    4. Cultivationisdonewiththe helpofveryprimitivetools

    Option: A

  11. Match the ColumnI with Column II and choose the correct option:

    Column I(Sub-fields of Human Geography) Column II(Interface with Sister Discipline of Social Science)
    A. Behavioral Geography i.Sociology
    B. Cultural Geography ii.Epidemiology
    C. Gender Geography iii.Psychology
    D. Medical Geography iv.Anthropology
    1. A-i B-ii C-iii D-iv
    2. A-iii B-iv C-i D-ii
    3. A-iv B-lii C-ii D-i
    4. A-ii B-i C-iv D-iii

    Option: B

  12. Attempt any 15 questions from Q.No.30 to 48:

    Arrange the following approaches in ascending order on the basis of time and choose the correct option

    1. Areal differentiation
    2. Spatial organization
    3. Exploration and description
    4. Regional analysis
    1. I,II,III,IV
    2. IV, III,II,I
    3. III,IV,I,II
    4. II,I,IV,III

    Option: C

  13. Choose the major airport of NewZealand:

    1. Perth
    2. Johannesburg
    3. Santiago
    4. Auckland

    Option: D

  14. Choose a mega city of the world:

    1. Colombo
    2. Perth
    3. Islamabad
    4. Mumbai

    Option: D

  15. Choose these a port of Europe:

    1. Vancouver
    2. Durban
    3. NorthCape
    4. Belem

    Option: C

  16. Which one of the following is an important area of nomadic herding ?

    1. Madagascar
    2. SouthernAfrica
    3. SouthEasternAfrica
    4. CentralAfrica

    Option: A

  17. Choose the feature of ‘open cast mining’ from the followings:

    1. Cheapestwayofmining
    2. Itrequiresliftsdrills
    3. Itrequiresventilationsystem
    4. Ithashighlabourcost.

    Option: A

  18. Choose the physical factor affecting mining:

    1. Demandof Mineral
    2. TechnologicalKnowledge
    3. InfrastructuralDevelopment
    4. Sizeof occurrenceof themineraldeposits

    Option: D

  19. Which one of the following activities comes under ‘Primary Activities’ ?

    1. Pastoralism
    2. Weaving Basket
    3. MilkVending
    4. Tailoring

    Option: A

  20. Which one of the following countries comes under Medium level of Human Development ?

    1. Norway
    2. Canada
    3. India
    4. Singapore

    Option: C