Thu. Feb 20th, 2025


  1. On the basis of origin, resources can be classified into

    1. Renewable and non-renewable
    2. National and international
    3. Biotic and abiotic
    4. Developed stock and reserves

    Option: C

  2. On the basis of exhaustibility, resources can be classified into

    1. Biotic and abiotic
    2. Developed stock and reserves
    3. Renewable and non-renewable
    4. National and international

    Option: B

  3. On the basis of status of development, resources can be classified into

    1. Potential, developed stock and reserves
    2. Biotic and abiotic
    3. National and international
    4. Renewable and non-renewable

    Option: A

  4. Which of the following is a renewable resource

    1. Fossil fuels
    2. Forests and wildlife
    3. Minerals
    4. None of these

    Option: B

  5. Which of the following is a non-renewable resource

    1. Water
    2. Minerals
    3. Wind energy
    4. Forests

    Option: B

  6. Many farmers own land which is allotted to them by government against the payment of revenue. The land used by these farmers is classified as

    1. Individual Resources
    2. Community Owned Resources
    3. National Resources
    4. Developed Resources

    Option: A

  7. Oceanic area up to __________ from the coast termed as territorial water.

    1. 15 km
    2. 22.2 km
    3. 18 km
    4. 12 km

    Option: B

  8. Oceanic area up to __________ from the coast termed as territorial water.

    1. 12 nautical miles
    2. 18 nautical miles
    3. 100 nautical miles
    4. 32 nautical miles

    Option: A

  9. Exclusive Economic Zone means

    1. The oceanic area up to 200 nautical miles from the coastline of a nation.
    2. The oceanic area up to 12 nautical miles from the coastline of a nation.
    3. The oceanic area up to 400 nautical miles from the coastline of a nation.
    4. The oceanic area up to 100 nautical miles from the coastline of a nation.

    Option: A

  10. Resources which are found in a region, but have not been utilised is known as

    1. Stock
    2. Potential Resources
    3. Developed Resources
    4. None of these

    Option: B

  11. Rajasthan and Gujarat have enormous potential for the development of wind and solar energy. What type of resource these states have?

    1. Stock
    2. Potential Resources
    3. Developed Resources
    4. None of these

    Option: B

  12. Resources which are surveyed and their quality and quantity have been determined for utilisation is called as

    1. Developed Resources
    2. Stock
    3. Potential Resources
    4. None of these

    Option: A

  13. Materials in the environment which have the potential to satisfy human needs but human beings do not have the appropriate technology to access these, are included among

    1. Reserves
    2. Potential Resources
    3. Stock
    4. Developed Resources

    Option: C

  14. Development that takes place without damaging the environment and not compromise with the needs of the future generations is known as

    1. Sustainable development
    2. Positive development
    3. Both A and B
    4. Neither A nor B

    Option: A

  15. The first International Earth Summit was held in

    1. Tokyo in Japan
    2. Rio de Janeiro in Brazil
    3. Montreal in Canada
    4. Paris in France

    Option: B

  16. When was the first International Earth Summit held

    1. In 1997
    2. In 1992
    3. In 1987
    4. In 2000

    Option: B

  17. In which of the following summits/conferences, Agenda 21 was adopted

    1. Johannesburg Summit, 2002
    2. Rio Conference, 2012
    3. Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, 1992
    4. Stockholm Conference, 1972

    Option: C

  18. Agenda 21 is related to which of the following

    1. Sustainable Development
    2. Global Warming
    3. Ozone Layer Depletion
    4. None of these

    Option: A

  19. Who said There is enough for everybody’s need and not for any body’s greed? (About resource conservation)

    1. Gandhiji
    2. Swami Vivekanand
    3. Subhash Chandra Bose
    4. Dr. Rajendra Prasad

    Option: A

  20. Who wrote the book ‘Small is Beautiful’

    1. Schumacher
    2. Smith
    3. Chetan bhagat
    4. None of these

    Option: A