Thu. Feb 20th, 2025


  1. The exclusive right over any idea or invention is called

    1. Utility
    2. Value
    3. Patent
    4. Copyright

    Option: C

  2. What makes an object or substance a resource

    1. Durability
    2. Technology
    3. Utility
    4. Value

    Option: C

  3. Resources that are used without much modification are called

    1. Natural resources
    2. Human made
    3. Both A and B
    4. Neither A nor B

    Option: A

  4. Which of the followings is not a natural resource

    1. Minerals
    2. Soils
    3. Air
    4. Machinery

    Option: D

  5. Those resources which have a limited stock is known as

    1. Non-renewable resources
    2. Renewable resources
    3. Unique resources
    4. None of these

    Option: A

  6. Which of the followings is Not a Renewable resource

    1. Natural gas
    2. Wind energy
    3. Solar
    4. Water

    Option: A

  7. Which of the followings is Not a Non-Renewable resource

    1. Coal
    2. Petroleum
    3. Natural gas
    4. Soil

    Option: D

  8. Which of the followings is/are Human Made resource

    1. Technology
    2. Roads
    3. Machinery
    4. All of these

    Option: D

  9. What makes people as a Human resource

    1. Number of people
    2. Mental abilities
    3. Physical abilities
    4. All of these

    Option: D

  10. Balancing the need to use resources and conserve them for the future is called

    1. Resource conservation
    2. Sustainable development
    3. Resource utilization
    4. None of these

    Option: D

  11. How you can conserve resources

    1. By reducing consumption
    2. By recycling them
    3. By reusing them
    4. All of the above ways are correct

    Option: D

  12. Principles of Sustainable Development includes

    1. Respect and care for all forms of life
    2. Respect and care for all forms of life
    3. Conserve the earth's vitality and diversity
    4. All of these

    Option: D

  13. Which one of the following areas is/are sparsely populated

    1. Desert areas
    2. Thick forested areas
    3. Water logging areas
    4. All of these

    Option: D

  14. Which of the followings determine the land use

    1. Technology
    2. Topography
    3. Climate
    4. All of these

    Option: D

  15. Which one of the followings is not a method to conserve land resources

    1. Land reclamation
    2. Afforestation
    3. Use of chemical pesticide and fertilisers
    4. Use of chemical pesticide and fertilisers

    Option: C

  16. The breaking up and decay of exposed rocks, by temperature changes, frost action, plants, animals and human activity

    1. Soil formation
    2. Upgradation
    3. Weathering
    4. Erosion

    Option: C

  17. The mass movement of rock, debris or earth down a slope is called

    1. Weathering
    2. Erosion
    3. Landslides
    4. None of the above

    Option: C

  18. Which of the followings is/are the factors of soil formation

    1. Parent rock and climate
    2. Time
    3. Relief and organic material
    4. All of these

    Option: D

  19. The method of soil conservation in which the bare ground between plants is covered with a layer of organic matter like straw is known as

    1. Intercropping
    2. Mulching
    3. Sheltering
    4. Mixed farming

    Option: B

  20. The method of soil conservation in which different crops are grown in alternate rows and are sown at different times to protect the soil from rain wash is known as

    1. Intercropping
    2. Mulching
    3. Sheltering
    4. Mixed farming

    Option: A