Atmospheric Pressure and Motion
Which of the following statements about pressure gradient is/are correct
- Pressure gradient refers to the rate of change of pressure per unit horizontal distance between two points.
- Closely spaced isobars denote steep pressure gradient while widely spaced isobars indicate low pressure gradient.
- Pressure gradient is always perpendicular to the isobars.
Option: D
The system of closed isobars wherein pressure decreases from the center to outward is known as
Option: C
Which of the following statements about high pressure or anticyclone is/are correct
- It is more common in the subtropical high-pressure belts but are practically absent in the equatorial zone
- Characterized by divergent wind circulation
- Winds blow from the centre outward in clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere
- Winds blow from the centre outward in anti-clockwise in the southern hemisphere
Option: D
Which of the following statements about high pressure or anticyclone is/are correct
- The high-pressure systems are indicative of dry weather conditions
- Anticyclones are called weather less phenomena
- Winds blow from the centre outward in clockwise direction in the southern hemisphere
Option: C
An area of uniform pressure developed between two high pressure systems and two low pressure systems is called
Option: C
The system of closed isobars wherein pressure increases from the center to outward is known as
Option: D
Which of the following statements about cyclone is/are correct
- It is also termed as atmospheric disturbances
- Characterized by convergent wind circulation
- Air blows inward in clockwise in the southern hemisphere
- Air blows inward in anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere
Option: D
The elongated outward extension of low pressure displayed by elliptical isobars is called
Option: A
There are_________ pressure belts on the globe.
Option: C
On the basis of mode of genesis pressure belts are divided into_________categories.
Option: A
The equatorial low-pressure belts are extending between 5°N and 5°S latitudes
Option: B
The equatorial low-pressure belt represents the zone of convergence of
Option: A
The equatorial low-pressure belt is also called
Option: C
Sub-tropical high’ Pressure belt extends between the latitude of
Option: A
The zone of high pressure in this belt is called
Option: C
Which of the following statements about Sub-Tropical High-Pressure Belt is/are correct
- This belt is dynamically induced
- This zone is characterized by anticyclonic conditions
- This zone is characterized by the presence of hot deserts of the world in the western parts of the continents
- This zone of high pressure is not continuous belt
Option: D
The belt of sub-polar low pressure is located between
Option: D
Northern summer pressure and the winter pressure conditions are represented by.
Option: A
The northern winter and southern summer pressure conditions are shown by
Option: C
The pressure gradients in the northern hemisphere are recorded steeper in the month of
Option: C