Thu. Feb 20th, 2025

Air Masses

  1. What is the characteristic of maritime polar air masses during early summer in Japan?

    1. They form cyclones when they converge with continental polar air masses
    2. They are deprived of their influences along the eastern coasts of Asia south of Korea
    3. They are associated with clear sky and pleasant weather
    4. They bring moist weather with overcast sky and light precipitation when they converge with maritime tropical air masses

    Option: D

  2. Which of the following statements is true about continental polar air masses during summer season in Asia?

    1. They are more dominant than maritime tropical air masses
    2. They effectively influence the weather conditions of eastern and southern Asia
    3. They produce torrential rainfall when they are forced to ascend by mountain barriers
    4. They yield negligible thunderstorms and scant precipitation

    Option: D

  3. What is the main factor that causes the instability of maritime tropical air masses during summer season in Asia?

    1. Their convergence with continental polar air masses
    2. Their origin in southern oceans
    3. Their movement north and northeastward
    4. The warm ground surface of the mainland

    Option: D

  4. What is the main difference between maritime polar air masses during winter and summer seasons in Asia?

    1. They are more active during summers than during winters
    2. They influence only the coastal margins of Siberia, Manchuria and South Korea during winters
    3. They bring abundant moisture from the sea and cause precipitation during winters
    4. They are associated with clear weather and scant precipitation during summers

    Option: A

  5. What is the effect of maritime tropical air masses on the air masses in Manchuria and east Siberia?

    1. They push the air masses southward in early summer
    2. They have no effect on the air masses in the region
    3. They cause the air masses to become unstable
    4. They make the air masses more effective in the region

    Option: A

  6. What is the reason for the difference in the penetration of maritime air masses in North America and Europe?

    1. The mountain barriers in North America are more effective than those in Europe
    2. The mountain barriers in Europe are more effective than those in North America
    3. The polar continental air masses in North America prevent the penetration of maritime air masses
    4. The absence of any east-west stretching mountain barrier in North America allows the penetration of maritime air masses

    Option: B

  7. What are the four air masses that influence the European continent during winter and summer seasons?

    1. Continental polar air masses, maritime polar air masses, maritime tropical air masses, and continental tropical air masses
    2. Continental polar air masses, maritime polar air masses, tropical continental air masses, and maritime continental air masses
    3. Continental polar air masses, polar continental air masses, maritime tropical air masses, and continental tropical air masses
    4. Polar continental air masses, maritime polar air masses, maritime tropical air masses, and tropical continental air masses

    Option: A

  8. Which three source regions of continental air masses affect western and central Europe during winter?

    1. Fenno-Scandian Region, western Russia, and Arctic Russia
    2. Fenno-Scandian Region, western Russia, and the Arctic Ocean
    3. Fenno-Scandian Region, eastern Russia, and Arctic Russia
    4. Fenno-Scandian Region, eastern Russia, and the Arctic Ocean

    Option: A

  9. Which air mass influences the weather of western and central Europe more during winter season?

    1. Maritime Polar Air Mass (mP)
    2. Continental Polar Air Mass (cP)
    3. Maritime Tropical Air Mass (mT)
    4. Continental Tropical Air Mass (cT)

    Option: A

  10. What is the source region of Maritime Tropical Air Masses that invade the south-western parts of Europe?

    1. Sahara Desert
    2. Eastern part of subtropical high pressure area over Atlantic Ocean
    3. Mediterranean Sea
    4. Northern part of primary source region of North Atlantic

    Option: B

  11. Which air mass provides heat energy to temperate cyclones in western disturbances?

    1. Continental Polar Air Mass (cP)
    2. Maritime Polar Air Mass (mP)
    3. Maritime Tropical Air Mass (mT)
    4. Continental Tropical Air Mass (cT)

    Option: D

  12. What is the principal source region of summer Continental Tropical Air Masses of Europe?

    1. Sahara Desert
    2. Southeastern Europe and Asia Minor
    3. Arabian Desert
    4. North Atlantic

    Option: A

  13. What is the local name of northward moving air which is warm, dry and dusty in its source region and becomes moist when it moves over the Mediterranean Sea?

    1. Sirocco
    2. Mistral
    3. Chinook
    4. Fohn

    Option: A

  14. What is Sirocco?

    1. A type of air mass
    2. A cyclonic storm
    3. A local wind
    4. A type of precipitation

    Option: C

  15. What is the source of cT air mass affecting the summer weather of southern Europe and southwestern Siberia?

    1. Arctic Ocean
    2. Pacific Ocean
    3. Sahara
    4. Indian Ocean

    Option: C

  16. What is the reason that mTs air mass is not a rain bringer in summer?

    1. It originates over cool ocean surface
    2. It becomes stable due to anticyclonic conditions
    3. It is associated with convective activity
    4. It passes over mountain barriers

    Option: B

  17. What is blood rain?

    1. Heavy snowfall in the Great Lakes region
    2. Red sand fallout with falling rains in south Italy
    3. Unstable air mass over southeastern Europe and Asia Minor
    4. Heavy precipitation from maritime tropical air mass

    Option: B

  18. What is mechanical air mass modification?

    1. Changes brought in physical properties of an air mass due to vertical and advectional movements
    2. Heating and cooling of an air mass from below
    3. Formation of lake-effect snow
    4. Study of climates in relation to atmospheric circulations

    Option: A

  19. What is a northeastern?

    1. Heavy precipitation from maritime tropical air mass
    2. Unstable air mass over southeastern Europe and Asia Minor
    3. Bad weather brought by winter maritime polar North Atlantic air mass in northeastern USA
    4. Local wind in south Italy

    Option: C

  20. What is synoptic climatology?

    1. Study of climates in relation to atmospheric circulations
    2. Changes brought in physical properties of an air mass due to vertical and advectional movements
    3. Formation of lake-effect snow
    4. Study of the physical properties of an air mass

    Option: A